Chapter Two

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I slowly curled my toes and stretched my arms. I couldn't believe it was already time for school. It seemed as if I fell asleep 20 minutes ago.

I slowly climbed out of bed and grabbed the outfit I had left on my desk. Which consisted of a white shirt and ripped black jeans. I changed quickly and brushed my hair and teeth. I had showered last night so I didn't have to shower right now.  I put on my black and white vans and grabbed my backpack and skipped downstairs.

I ran into the kitchen where I found my mom cooking eggs and sausage.

"Good morning hunnie, go sit at the table. Mikkel already left but James arrived early this morning and is with Stephen sitting at the table" My mom said to me while she scrambled the eggs,

I went up to her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and walked towards the table. As I walked into the dining room I smiled a bit trying to be polite to James and Stephen.

"Agatha! It's good to see you!" James said standing up and coming up to give me a hug.

"H..hi James" I mumbled into his chest. He pulled away with a grin and dragged me towards the table, sitting me right next to him.

"Good morning Agatha," Stephen said with a smile while still looking at his Ipad.

"Good morning" I answered looking down towards my lap.

"I'm going to be riding with you and dad to school," James said while taking a sip of his coffee, "want some?" he asked pushing slightly his cup of black coffee towards me.

" thanks" I whispered back.

I turned my eyes towards the kitchen door as I saw my mom walk in with two plates loaded with eggs and sausage and one much smaller plate with two scrambled eggs covered in tomato sauce, just the way I like them.

I thanked my mom and started eating my eggs while still looking and Stephen's and James' plates. They seemed to be made of like six eggs and also had 7 sausages. How can someone eat that much?


"Thank you for the ride," James said while jumping out of the passenger seat.

"Yeah, thanks" I mumbled also getting out.

"Have fun!" Stephen yelled as soon as I got out and drove off.

"Do you want help finding your way around?" James asked walking next to me towards the building.

"It's alright.," I answered not wanting to bother him. James gave me a grin and ran off towards a group of people.

"Bye sis!" James yelled making me blush uncomfortably.

"Fuck you!" Mikkel yelled at him suddenly appearing next to me.

"Mikkel" I gasped looking at him surprised. He had caught me off guard.

"That son of a bitch isn't your brother, alright? You're my sister, not his and my mom is not his mother." Mikkel said while holding my wrist and pulling me towards the building.

I stayed quiet until we arrived at what looked like an office. Mikkel pulled me in and started speaking towards a lady while I looked out the glass door. People were walking and talking to each other while staring at us. Everyone looked older. I knew they where student but looked much older. As if they had skipped puberty and gone straight into looking like adults. Also, everyone looked so tall.

"Here is your schedule," Mikkel said while handing me a piece of paper.

"Thank you Mickey Mouse" I answered with that silly nickname I had given him when I was 6.

"Be careful okay Aggie? You have my number for if something happens." Mikkel told me, he then gave me a quick kiss of the forehead and walked off.

I stared at him for a while and then turned around to look for my first class, World History.  I turned left and right trying to find the room 346. I sighed when I heard the bell ring, meaning everyone should be in class or entering. I ran upstairs to see if the room was there, when it wasn't I ran downstairs accidentally missing a step.

I felt my body fall over and threw my hands in front of my face trying to cover myself from the impact.

But instead of hard cold ground, I was pulled back into what felt like a wall. I could feel sparkles, like tiny fireworks dancing across my skin.

"Mine" I heard a grown in my ear. I tilted my head back and stared up two pale green eyes.

"huh?" I whispered trying to pull back, my face felt warm from embarrassment.

"What's your name, little one?" The same rough voice asked.

"A..Ag..Agat...Agatha" I mumbled out trying to hide my face behind my hair.

"Agatha" He repeated, "I'm Sebastian Loupe"

I slowly pulled a bit back and stared at him. He was covered in tattoos, his hair was dark brown and I felt as if his eyes screamed danger.

"How old are you little one?" He asked pulling me once more against his chest.

"Uh..16" I said in a very small voice, I wasn't sure he had even heard me.

"I'm 18" He stated, which kind of surprised me. He didn't look 18, I would say he looked like he was 25 or something.

As if realisation washed over me I remember I was at school and had to get to class. I tried to push him away but each time he seemed to get closer.

"I..I have class" I managed to say. I heard what I thought was a growled and he ripped my schedule from me.

"World History huh? I'll take you there." He said while holding my wrist and walking with me.

We walked in silence but I could feel his eyes staring at me. I kept trying to hide my face behind my hair but each time he would stop and place my hair behind my ear. After a few seconds, we stopped in front of room 346.

"Thank you.." I whispered while looking at the ground.

I felt his hand at my chin making me stare up towards his green eyes.

"I'll see you at lunch little one"

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