Chapter six

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The first days of school are always the easiest to wake up early. But this didn't seem to be the case. My head was banging.

I smacked my alarm clock and rubbed my eyes. I slowly got up while stretching my legs and arms at the same time.

I walked towards my desk and grabbed the outfit I had chosen for today. It was a pair of black ripped jeans and a yellow shirt.

I quickly brushed my teeth and changed. As always I had woken up late, which meant no breakfast for me. I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs almost tripping on the last stair.

"Mom! I'm leaving!" I said almost as I walked out the front door.

As I walked through the door I slammed into a wall, which wasn't really a wall.

"Good morning princess," Sebastian said in my ear.

I gasped and tried to pull away but couldn't as he had wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a tiny voice.

"I'm here to bring you to school obviously" he chuckled as if I had just told him a joke.

"I can go by myself", I said back not really trusting him completely.

"You could do that, but I'm not letting you." He said back his eyes looking slightly darker and his tone colder, "Now let's go".

He pulled away from me and grabbed my arms. He started pulling me towards his car. As we walked there I felt my stomach roar, I was getting hungry from not eating. I mean most of the time I'm hungry but my stomach usually wakes up a bit late. Today wasn't the case.

Sebastian opened the door for me and helped me climb in. After I climb in she ran around and got in himself. He stared at me for a few seconds and then stretched to buckle up my seat belt as if I couldn't do that myself. After he buckled me up he buckled himself up and turned on the engine.

"Do you prefer cold, frappe or hot coffee?" Sebastian asked not pulling his eyes off the road.

"Why?" I asked back not sure why he asked me that.

"One of my pa-friends always brings me and other friends coffee in the morning, and he is going to start bringing you coffee too"

"Why?" I asked again.

"Because I said so."

"Uh...I don't really love coffee"

"What do you like? Tea, chai, what?"

"Chai, frappe," I answered shy, back home nobody would bring us drinks in the morning.

"Perfect, so I was thinking little one that tonight we could go out and have some dinner or something?"

"Actually, it's kind of stupid and I don't really know why but my mom and Stephen told me to invite you for dinner. You don't have to come and I don't know why they wanted that it's kind of stupid bu-"

"I'll be there."

I felt my face get really warm and stared out the window as he parked. We both got out of the car and as we walked towards the school Sebastian wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He turned to look at me and gave me a warm smile.
As we got closer to the school a kid who looked a year younger than me walked up to us with a tray in his hand.

"Alpha and Luna," the boy said while handing us a drink.



His name is Sebastian and mine Agatha. Why is he calling us that?

"Thank you, but my name is Agatha," I said back.

The boy smiled at me a ran off. Weird. I brought the brink to my lips and tasted it. Amazing. The only word that could describe it.

"Let's get you to class," Sebastian said to me while drinking his own drink.

"Yeah, I have English. What did you get?" I asked walking next to him to my class.

"Black coffee." He said back.

Sebastian dropped me off at my class and I sat by myself at the back.

All day my mind was only focused on dinner. It seemed completely messy and ridiculous to have invited Sebastian. Something could go completely wrong, especially with Mikkel. I don't know what is wrong with him, or what is wrong with anyone lately. Everyone has been acting weirdly.

Once school was over I walked towards Sebastian's car hoping he could drive me home since I hadn't seen James today and Mikkel was now riding with Marcos. But as I got closer I notice Sebastian's car was gone. He had left, not even saying goodbye or anything.

I felt a pang in my chest, I shouldn't feel so bad. I mean I barely know him and we aren't that close you know. I frowned and turned towards Mikkel slowly walking to him and Marcos. As I got closer Mikkel grinned and waved.

"Agatha! Need a ride home?" Mikkel asked.

"Actually I do," I said with a smile.

"What do you say, Marcos? Mind if Aggie comes?" Mikkel turned around to ask his friend.

"Of course not, anything for the pretty lady," Marcos said while opening the back door for me.

I felt my cheeks become red again and let out a small nervous laugh. I walked towards the car and got in. As soon as I did I saw Mikkel tell something Marcos and they both got in on the front.

Marcos turned on the engine and quickly sped off.

"Aggie, I hope you don't mind. We're going to get something to eat before we get home." Marcos told me.

"Where? What" I asked.

"We're getting a burger at a restaurant Marcos's cousin bought," Mikkel told me.

"But we have to get home before dinner alright?" I told mostly Marcos as he was driving.

"Yeah totally relax princess," Marcos said.

"You know Aggie, you and Marcos would be a power couple," Mikkel said with a laugh.

I saw Marcos slightly grin and playful hit Mikkel on the shoulder.

Marcos turned higher the volume of the radio and started singing along.

I stared at him and started laughing. He looked really serious while singing.

Before I knew it we had arrived.

"Wait here," Marcos said and quickly climbed out the car. He ran into the restaurant.

"What is he doing?" I asked Mikkel.

"He is just grabbing our food we aren't staying here. I mean Marcos has something to do so we can't stay here"

"Okay," I said staring outside.

The restaurant looked kind of old, but there was a bunch of people, a lot of them were sitting outside too.

The radio played while we waited for Marcos.

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