Chapter Five

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Why is it that every time I log into Netflix there are less series and movies. It feels like just yesterday I could watch 'How I met your mother' and now there is nothing. I've been waiting here for more than an hour and they're still talking.

It's getting boring to keep rewatching Vampire Diaries, this is like the fourth time I've seen already. I mean it's the best series out there, plus I always get excited when Damon pops up. Mikkel keeps telling to watch Teen Wolf but I've always preferred vampires.

"Little one?" I heard Sebastian behind the door knocking.

I quickly sat up and pat down my hair. I grabbed the perfume on my bedside table and sprayed it on me. I  cleared my throat.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure, it's open," I said back.

I saw the door open and Sebastian stepped into the room. I saw him look around my room as if trying to glue it into his brain. After a few seconds, his eyes turned and he stared directly at me. I could feel my face getting warm, he had felt me staring. I slowly dropped my stare towards the ground.

"Sebastian?" I mumbled under my breath. I needed to get some answers, everything is getting too complicated.

"Yes gorgeous?" He answered making my face feel even warmer.

"What did you tell my mom and Stephen?"

"You know, you should start calling Stephen dad or father at least, he cares deeply for you." He trailed off.

"Sebastian, please" I mumbled getting a bit annoyed.

"Relax, look it wasn't anything important okay? We were just talking about Mikkel, he's hanging out with the wrong kind of people." He said.

"Mikkel knows how to choose his friends, please let him be"

"Little one, I don't care what Mikkel does, neither does Stephen. However, his behaviour could end up affecting you and we can't have that happening."

"Sebastian..." I trailed off.

I suddenly snapped his head towards the right. I pulled his arms and tried to look at his face, his stare was blank.

"Sebastian, Sebastian, Sebastian" I kept repeating each time harder until he slowly looked back at me.

"I have to go"

"What?" I wasn't done with my questions.

"See you soon little one, stay safe," he said pulling me towards a quick hug.

He stared at me a few seconds more and then turned around and took off running. To be honest it really bothered me. He just left me standing here confused as ever.


"Agatha! Mikkel! James! Dinner is ready!" I heard my mom scream.

I sat up from my bed and picked up the workbook I had next to me. I had been working on my math homework.  Not an easy task.

I opened my door and ran downstairs. I hadn't realized how hungry I truly was. As I walked into the dining room I saw everyone already sitting.

Stephen was on the end of the table, my mom to his right and Mikkel next to her. Then to the left of Stephen was an empty seat and James next to the empty seat. I wasn't going to seat on the other end of the table so I decided to seat in between James and Stephen.

Everyone started to fill their plate in complete silence.

"Agatha, dear, I was thinking you could invite Sebastian tomorrow for dinner. He seems like an amazing guy plus he's James' friend." My mom said breaking the silence, of course, she would ask me to invite him. She basically spoke more to him than I did.

"Yes! That's a great idea!" Stephen said with a grin, "you can get to know him better."

"Why him? In that case, Marco should also come, he is my friend" Mikkel snapped. Lately, he seemed more irritated and easily triggered.

"No, and you know why." Stephen glared at Mikkel.

"Why?" I asked in a trembling voice.

"Yeah, Stephen. Why? Why don't you tell her why? I mean if Marco hadn't told me would you have told me?" Mikkel said angrily.

"Mikkel shut up!" My mom screamed angrily while choosing to ignore my question.

"No mom! It's not fair! Sebastian is a fucking monster and all of you are trying to make Marco the monster." Mikkel said turning slightly red. "But you Agatha, hear me out. Sebastian is a monster. He is a fucking psycho, trust Marco and his group. No one else!"

"Shut up! You don't know shit kid!" Stephen growled louder than ever.

"And precious James does? Fucking freak just like Sebastian." Mikkel snapped back. For a split second, I swear I saw James' eyes turn black.

James stood up from the table his hands gripping on the edges.

"If it wasn't for Aggie, you'd be dead." He said in the coldest voice possible.

"Don't call her Aggie. She is not your fucking sister, she won't ever be your fucking sister" Mikkel said also standing up.

"Mikkel, go away." My mom said in a calm voice but her eyes were filled with rage

Mikkel turned to look at her and stared for a few seconds, then he turned my way and stared. He blinked a few times, let out and sigh and left.
I shifted uncomfortably on my chair and poked my dinner. Suddenly I wasn't that hungry anymore.

"Mikkel was completely out of line." My mom told Stephen while holding his hand. " I'm sorry you had to see that Aggie."

The rest of the dinner was in complete silence with a few of Stephen's comments about how I should invite Sebastian tomorrow. Not that I felt comfortable doing that.

Once I finished eating I picked up my plate and took it to the kitchen, James walking right behind me.

"Agatha about what Mikkel said," James started while looking at me. "I know we aren't blood-related. But I just want you to know that to me you are my sister. I care just as much as Mikkel."

I stared at him in silence not really knowing what to really. I still didn't see him as my brother as I did with Mikkel.

"Thanks" I murmured, which he grinned to them.

Then I turned and walked upstairs. I wasn't intending to go to my room but instead to Mikkel's room, I was going to get answers.

Once I got there I knocked while announcing who I was. He opened the door and pulled me inside and the slammed the door back.

"Look, Aggie, I know you came for answers but I can't give you many." He said while scratching his neck.

"I just wanted to know why Marcos can't come," I told him.

"They think he is the bad guy when he really isn't. I mean it's a lot more complicated." He said.

"What about Sebastian?" I asked.

"Sebastian. He is a dick. Stay away from him please."


"He's just not a good person. Look I know tomorrow you have to invite him and everything but at least try to stay away from him. You can hang out with me and my friends."

"I don't know Mikkel..."

"Agatha, you can trust me. I know best."

"," I said choking on the word.

"Go to sleep tomorrow will be a long day," Mikkel said lastly while pulling me out his room.

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