Chapter Eighteen - Need You Tonight

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Two chapters in just one day? Yes, I know, I was inspired! 

I must say I cried a litte bit while writing this one. Maybe I'm just too emotional because of hormones but... anyways...

Please listen to the song on the side (Need You Tonight by Ben Rector) while reading this chapter. No other song would describe this chapter better than this one.


Chapter Eighten - Need You Tonight

[not proofread]

It was around 4am in the morning and I was rolling from one side to another in the bed of the hotel room. The letter stood on the nightstand table haunting my thoughts. 

I had left the party as soon as I stopped crying and Catherine had to explain to the guests and journalists that I wasn't feeling fine. 

Staring intently at the letter by my side, I let out a deep sigh and finally decided I couldn't let this piece of paper disturb my sleep any longer.  I had to decide. Throw the letter on the trash or read it and get it over with. 

As soon as I sat down and got the paper in my hand, I felt a shiver running through my skin. I wouldn't be able to throw it away. I had to at least open it and read the first words. 

So I opened it. And as soon as I read the first sentences, my heart broke a litte more.


Once you told me about your favorite book. I must say I only started reading it because it was your favorite book... but I continued reading it because it reminded me of you.

''It is difficult to define love. All we can say is, that in the soul it is a desire to rule, in the mind it is a sympathy, and in the body it is a hidden and delicate wish to possess what we love—Plus many mysteries.'' 

This was my favorite quote cause, honestly, I don't understand it at all. But maybe that's the whole point of it. It really is difficult to define love. You have to feel it. 

And I do. I feel it more and more each day that I don't have you here in my arms. 

I've told you before but I'll say it again and again until you believe me. I love you.

The tears that were falling from my eyes were blinding me. I was breathing frantically and my mind was confused mess. 

He remembered what my favorite book was from when I told him months ago... Reflections, by François La Rochefoucauld. And he read it. 

Breathing hard, even more curious to what would come next, I wiped the tears away from my face and continued reading. 

When you left, I had no idea why and I tried everything I could to go after you and demand explanations. It hurt like hell and it still hurts... 

But then I went to the bar talk to Camille and she told me she had seen you the day you left. She said you got out of the shop running and crying and that she tried to call you but you never looked back. 

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