chapter 4

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"And so, your father and Rarity told us to meet them at Crystal Prep Academy." Mo's voice narrated.

"And let me guess, most of the girls weren't as easy to agree?" Vincent's voice asked.

"It was a challenge, even I had my doubts, but I trusted your father more than anyone else I had ever met, so I agreed to it." Mo's voice replied.

"Aw!" The kids smiled.

Mo smiled back bashfully.

"What's the big plan you were excited about?" Applejack asked Rarity and Atticus.

Rarity and Atticus simply showed them the decorated stage.

"This." Atticus said.

The others gasped in shock and amazement about the stage.

"What's the catch?" Cherry asked.

"No catch." Atticus promised her.

"Uh-huh," Cherry replied. "And I'm a Vermicious Knid."

"Cherry has a point," Sunset said. "Aren't the Crystal Prep girls using this video idea now?"

"I have a feeling they're going to be involved in this." Mo said.

"They are, yes," Rarity admitted. "But so are we!"

"Girls, you can come out now!" Atticus called out to the Crystal Prep students.

The group from the Cafe soon came in. The Canterlot Students had mixed reactions.

"I know it's hard to believe, but the Crystal Prep girls helped me to realize that competing against one another was getting us nowhere." Rarity told her classmates.

"And Rarity helped show us that winning was the only thing driving us," Lemon Zest replied. "We didn't even care if we had to steal to accomplish it."

"But that's not who we are," Sour Sweet added. "Anymore."

Mo could see the truth in the CPA girls' eyes.

"The Crystal Prep Academy girls have offered to help with dance moves if we'll help them with an original song." Atticus told the others.

"Combining our talents is the most logical thing to do." Sugarcoat stated.

"We'll make one epic music video together." Sunny Flare added.

"So, what do you guys think?" Rarity asked.

"Are you in?" Atticus added with a smile as he held out his hand for Mo.

"I'm in." Mo smiled back as she held his hand.

"Best! Music! Video! Idea ever!" Pinkie Pie beamed.

"Yes, it is." Patch smiled.

"I guess we might as well." Cherry shrugged as she included herself into this.

"Yep." Patch said.

Everybody else cheered while Cherry softly clapped her hands together.

"We can start by teaching you the words to our song." Fluttershy began.

"But this is just about the Rainbooms," Sunny Flare replied. "There's nothing about us in the lyrics."

"Hmm..." Mo hummed in thought.

"Yet," Fluttershy smiled. "Wanna help me make some changes?"

Sunny Flare smiled back and nodded.

"So, how was the video?" Estelle's voice asked.

"Oh, would you kids like to see it?" Mo smiled as she closed the yearbook for right now.

Cherry and Atticus's Tales from Canterlot HighWhere stories live. Discover now