Meanwhile with the others...
"I'm telling you, there's something weird going on with Juniper Montage and a mirror." Mo told the others.
"Are you sure, darling?" Rarity asked.
"Yes, Atticus and I saw it with our own eyes!" Mo replied. "We did a little spy work."
"Well, then let's talk with her." Pinkie Pie said.
"Come on, then, she's at the concession stand." Mo nodded.
The others nodded as they went that way.
"Mirror, pick up this popcorn!" Juniper demanded.
'Wonder if it also follows her demands.' Mo thought to herself.
Nothing seemed to happen.
"Mirror, I command thee, pick upeth this poppage of corn!" Juniper commanded.
Cherry just snickered at that.
"Looks like the mirror doesn't do commands." Mo smirked.
"Ugh!" Juniper complained. "Why won't this thing work anymore?" She then grabbed the popcorn shovel and was about to put it on the floor.
"Like... We were gonna eat some of that." A patron told Juniper as she stood with her friend.
"Mirror, make these annoying people go away!" Juniper glared.
The two looked to each other and soon left.
"Well, that kinda worked..." Juniper shrugged.
'That mirror is now being random.' Mo thought to herself.
"Juniper Montage?!" Pinkie Pie squealed.
Juniper yelped and dropped the popcorn shovel.
"What in the blazes are you doin' here?" Applejack asked.
"Were you invited to the Daring Do premiere?" Pinkie added. "Ooh, that's exciting! No, crazy! No, concerning! No! Just no! No offense."
"I wasn't invited to the premiere," Juniper explained. "My Uncle Canter Zoom felt bad for firing me, so he pulled some strings and got me this job."
"Well, that's good and I see you have a fancy mirror." Mo said.
"Why, thank you." Juniper replied.
"So, you work here?" Fluttershy asked.
"As little as possible." Juniper muttered.
"Must be a pain." Mo said.
"Y'know, if you hadn't tried to sabotage the movie, you could be celebrating with us." Rainbow Dash pointed out.
"Ooh! This should be my night!" Juniper glared bitterly. "I would have found a way to be in the film if you all had stayed out of it! I would have been Daring Do! Everyone would've loved me! See?"
Patch was soon seen about to get the Equestrian magic mirror.
"Can't you see what's right under your noses?" Juniper glared at the others. "Ugh! I wish you'd all just go away and leave me alone!"
"Uh-oh, girls, we better run now." Mo said as she saw the mirror glow as she started to run from it.
Everyone tried to run away, but soon enough, they were engulfed into the mirror.
"Girls!" Patch cried out.
Juniper heard him and looked at his direction. Patch smiled nervously to Juniper and soon barked like a real dog would. He soon acted fast and grabbed the mirror with his mouth.
Cherry and Atticus's Tales from Canterlot High
FanfictionMo tells the kids stories about her, Cherry, Atticus, and Patch's adventures in Canterlot High which involve all sorts of different kinds of magic, even from Equestria itself as they try to raise money to save Camp Everfree from their adventure in t...