chapter 6

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"I think we should go talk to Mr. Zoom now." Darla told the others.

"You doing okay, kiddo?" Atticus asked.

"Eh, I guess so," Darla replied. "This Chestnut girl is a real diva though."

"How big of a diva?" Atticus asked.

"She keeps throwing tantrums and yells when she doesn't get her way." Darla replied.

"Kind of like you when you were an actress?" Cherry guessed.

Darla glanced at her. Cherry just smirked innocently.

"Yes, more or less..." Darla sighed. "I guess I threw a fit every now and then during my movies."

"Well, maybe Juniper would be a better actress." Atticus said.

"She does seem nice..." Darla admitted.

"Let's talk her uncle into giving her the part." Mo said.

The others nodded to this in agreement. Rainbow Dash was fan girling over what she saw, but soon got quiet as Mr. Zoom requested quiet on the set.

"Maybe now isn't a good time." Mo whispered.

Rainbow Dash covered her mouth to try to contain her excitement.

'Don't know how long she'll keep excitement in check.' Mo thought to herself.

"Sorry! Maybe I'll just go take one more peek at them." Rainbow Dash whispered before zipping away.

The others just sighed to this.

"And... Action!" Mr. Zoom commanded.

The group soon watched the scene to see if anything would go wrong or if it would be perfect. Thunder and lightning flashed for the movie set, but the volcano soon crumbled before crashing.

"Cut! Cut! Cut!" Mr. Zoom exclaimed. "What is going on around here? We just filmed on this volcano, and it was fine! This could set us back weeks!"

"They're gone!" Rainbow Dash gasped as she saw something missing. "They're all gone!"

"What's gone?" Mo asked.

"The relics!" Juniper told them all.

"What?!" Atticus panicked.

Everybody else gasped in shock and dismay.

"I wanted to check them out again up close, and they weren't there!" Rainbow Dash informed.

"This can't be happening!" Mr. Zoom panicked. "What are we gonna do?!"

"We'll have to look everywhere to find them." Atticus said.

"Couldn't you just get the prop department to make new ones?" Sunset asked the director.

"The missing relics were personally approved by AK Yearling!" Mr. Zoom replied. "We could have new ones made, but we can't use them until Miss Yearling has given them her official stamp of approval! You think it'd be easy to reach someone who is always holed up in her office writing, but Miss Yearling is a very difficult woman to track down."

"We understand." Mo said.

"I-It'll be okay, though, right?" Rainbow Dash asked nervously.

"Chestnut's contract with us is almost up, and with Mount Vehoovius collapsing, and now this, I fear we'll have to stop production altogether!" Mr. Zoom sulked.

"Well, why not give the leading role to your niece?" Mo asked him.

"M-M-Me?!" Juniper's eyes widened.

Cherry and Atticus's Tales from Canterlot HighWhere stories live. Discover now