chapter 10

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"Now everyone will recognize I'm a real star!" Juniper grinned as she began to transform from the magic, and where she grew in size.

"Okay, first things first," Starlight decided on her own. "I need to get that mirror away from her." And which wouldn't be easy.

There even seemed to be a crack in the mirror.

"The mirror is breaking!" Sunset panicked.

"Whoa! If Starlight Glimmer doesn't find a way to get us out of here soon, I don't know what's gonna happen!" Sci-Twi gasped.

"Starlight Glimmer, I hope you know what you're doing." Sunset prayed.

"Same here." Atticus added.

Cherry began to have a panic attack.

"So, you see, kids, this was all up to Starlight on the other side, and where it wasn't easy." Mo's voice narrated.

The kids nodded as they could imagine from what their mother told them.

Juniper only thought people were excited to see her because that's what the mirror showed her. The people were scared of Juniper since she seemed like a fame mongering monster, and where they didn't seem to want her autograph or take her picture. Of course, she refused to listen to their protests. Starlight soon went to take the mirror from Juniper like Patch had done, and where Juniper didn't let this go unnoticed.

"Give that back!"

"No! This mirror is nothing but trouble," Starlight told her. "You have to realize that."

"What I realize is that you are just like those other girls and that stupid boy!" Juniper glared. "I wish you'd join them!"

The mirror didn't seem to grant the wish.

"Phew!" Starlight breathed in relief before smirking to Juniper. "Looks like you can't make that wish unless you're the one holding the mirror! I wish Sunset Shimmer and her friends would come back!"

Nothing happened.

"Looks like you can't use it, either!" Juniper laughed.

Starlight soon ran off with the mirror. Juniper glared as she chased Starlight down to fight her for the mirror.

On the inside of the mirror, it started to break apart. This was panicking the others inside of the mirror. Mo was even holding Atticus out of fright as she felt really scared since she didn't know what was going to happen, and where they were running out of floor. Cherry shook as she looked like she was going to slip through the cracks, and soon enough, the ground broke apart and she was about to fall into a bottomless pit. Only for Atticus to save her, being her best friend and all.

"That just gave me a heart attack!" Cherry gasped as she was pulled into safety.

"Can't say I blame ya," Atticus told her. "That looked quite scary."

"And it's getting more terrifying." Cherry said.

Starlight and Juniper glared to each other as they kept fighting for the mirror, and where it started to break. Starlight soon ran with the mirror which caused Juniper to chase her all over the mall. Juniper soon trapped Starlight as other mall patrons ran off.

"Give it back to me!" Juniper demanded.

"But my friends are trapped in there!" Starlight replied.

The Rainbooms music video soon played right behind Juniper much to her annoyance. "Your friends stole my one chance at being famous!" she then growled to the former unicorn mare.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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