chapter 5

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The director soon sat in his chair.

"So, who's the bad guy of this movie?" Darla asked the director.

"Stalwart Stallion." The director informed.

"Ooh, sounds nefarious." Darla said.

"Trust me, this will be the best." The director smirked.

"Thank you for letting us come along, Mr. Zoom." Darla smirked back.

"You're quite welcome, Miss Fudo." Mr. Zoom said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the director of the movie, Mr. Canter Zoom." Darla introduced.

"Any relation to Captain Zoom?" Cherry smirked. "My dad was a big fan of his work."

"Nope." Mr. Zoom said.

"Shame." Cherry replied.

"It was worth a shot." Atticus told Cherry.

Soon enough, it was time for the filming with Darla and the others to watch this up close and Rainbow Dash was of course the most excited out of all of them.

"It is almost time," Stalwart laughed evilly. "Once I have all three relics, no one will be able to stop me, and Marapore will fall! For I am Stalwart Stallion--"

'And in 3, 2, 1.' Cherry thought to herself.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Rainbow Dash called out.

"CUT!!!" Darla suddenly shouted. "Cut! Cut! Cut!" she then straightened herself out. "Sorry... Bad memories. What is it, Rainbow Dash?"

"Sorry, but at this point in the story, Stalwart Stallion would be known as Mojo." Rainbow Dash replied.

'Oh, please don't let this get us thrown out.' Mo thought to herself.

"What?" Rainbow Dash shrugged to the others. "You think he wants Daring Do fans to call him out for making a mistake like that?"

"What do you think, Mr. Zoom?" Darla asked the movie director.

"Let's go again," Mr. Zoom replied before calling through the megaphone. "And this time, say 'Mojo' instead of 'Stalwart Stallion', K? And action!"

'Whew.' Mo thought to herself.

"Thanks to Aunt Darla, it felt like Rainbow Dash's dreams were coming true." Mo's voice narrated.

"I'm guessing there was going to be someone to try and sabotage the movie." Estelle's voice said.

"You'll see..." Mo's voice replied mysteriously.

"I can't believe we're really here!" Rainbow Dash beamed.

"Thank you so much for letting us come, Mr. Zoom." Sci-Twi added.

"We promise we won't get in the way," Sunset said before flashing a look to Rainbow Dash. "Again."

"Yeah, never again." Mo added.

Rainbow Dash laughed nervously.

"I thought you guys might appreciate this," Darla replied. "I faintly remember Mr. Zoom being involved with Camp Everfree in the older days."

"Oh, indeed." Mr. Zoom said.

Darla smiled to the others.

"I was more than happy to afford the kids who helped save it the chance to visit the set of our little film." Mr. Zoom smiled to the group.

"Little?" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "This is Daring Do we're talking about! This movie is gonna be huge!"

"As you can already tell, Rainbow Dash is a huge Daring Do fan." Atticus said to Mr. Zoom.

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