chapter 8

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Mo waited at the front of the Mall with her stuff and James soon rode up and she packed the stuff into the car. "Thanks, Dad."

"Thank you for shopping for us," James smiled to her.

"It's the least I could do to show how much I care about you both." Mo said.

"You are a wonderful girl," James smiled. "We'll see you at home, okay?"

"Okay, see you at home." Mo smiled back with a wave.'

James waved back to her and soon drove off back home while Mo went back into the Mall, and where she saw where Juniper was going.

Sunset was at the Food Court and was writing to Princess Twilight Sparkle in Equestria. She could also see Mo heading somewhere. "What's Mo up to now?" The former student of Princess Celestia asked herself. She soon closed her book and went to see what Mo was up to.

The other Equestria Girls were about to join Sunset in the food court until they saw her following after Mo.

"Atticus, your girlfriend's loose." Cherry announced.

"Where is she off to?" Atticus asked.

"That's what I'd like to know." Sunset replied as she put her pen down.

"Shall we go investigate?" Atticus suggested like the detective he wanted to be in the future.

"Yes, we shall." Sunset said.

"But what about lunch, SunShim?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, she's right." Cherry said.

"You guys go ahead and eat, I'll go see to Mo." Atticus decided.

"Okay." Cherry said.

Everyone else then sat down to eat their lunch at the Food Court. Atticus then went to Mo's side.

Mo watched Juniper and soon turned over with a startled yelp and punched Atticus in the nose since she was scared. "Oh... Atticus, it's you... Ow..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mo, I didn't mean to scare you..." Atticus told her as he looked at her hand as he shook violently from pain. "Ooh, that must've hurt."

"It sure did; it felt like I just punched a wall." Mo winced.

"I'm sorry I scared you..." Atticus soothed as he comforted her sore hand. "That must've hurt real bad."

"It did, and I told you to never sneak up on me," Mo replied. "What're you doing here anyway?"

"Whatever you're doing, I guess." Atticus smiled sheepishly.

"I'm following Juniper so I can get that mirror that has Equestrian magic." Mo said.

"A mirror that has Equestrian Magic?" Atticus asked.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes," Mo replied. "Plus... I think Juniper's a bit jealous that we busted her on the Daring Do movie set."

"Then I think we better get that mirror and find out what it does." Atticus said.

"That's my plan..." Mo replied. "Wanna help?"

Atticus nodded in agreement.

"Come on then, let's go." Mo smirked.

Atticus smirked back as he worked with his girlfriend about Juniper. The two of them began to move around like spies. Mo even couldn't help it as she quietly hummed the James Bond theme. Juniper sat behind the concession stand as she looked in the mirror while everyone else was gathering snacks together for the upcoming movie premiere.

Cherry and Atticus's Tales from Canterlot HighWhere stories live. Discover now