chapter 7

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"All right, we saw you come in here, where are you?" Atticus glared as he explored the room with Rainbow Dash.

The figure soon zipped past them and went through another door. Atticus soon rushed to the door. Rainbow Dash felt nervous. Atticus gestured for her to follow him once he opened the door. Rainbow Dash soon followed him once he opened the door. Atticus and Rainbow Dash looked around for the cloaked figure in the cramped room. Rainbow Dash yelped and jumped back.

"It's okay, it's just a mask." Atticus comforted her.

"Oh..." Rainbow Dash smiled in relief. "I knew that."

Atticus and Rainbow Dash kept looking.

"Look, Atticus," Rainbow Dash smiled as she found a dress in a locker. "This is just like the outfit Daring Do wears in the night club scene."

"Hmm... I wonder what it's doing here?" Atticus pondered.

"Maybe the cloaked figure put it in here." Rainbow Dash said.

The cloaked figure slowly shut the door behind them. Atticus rushed to the door and tried to open it, but it was stuck.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash cried out as she tried to help him.

"It's locked." Atticus said before rolling up his sleeves.

Rainbow Dash was about to get her phone, but didn't have it in her pockets.

"Don't worry, Rainbow Dash, I got this." Atticus told her.

"Thanks." Rainbow Dash said.

"No problem." Atticus smiled before using all of his strength to open the door, and where he soon tore the door off.

"Gosh!" Rainbow Dash yelped.

"Uh, I'll fix that." Atticus smiled nervously.

"How strong are you, dude?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Would you believe me if I was stronger than Hercules?" Atticus smiled nervously.

"Seriously." Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

"Yeah, seriously." Atticus nodded.

"Hm." Rainbow Dash shrugged before following Atticus back out.

The others waited for Atticus and Rainbow Dash, getting a little concerned for them.

"I hope they're alright." Fluttershy said.

Atticus and Rainbow Dash soon came back.

"Don't tell me, you got locked in a room, and Atticus killed the door." Cherry deadpanned.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash nodded. "How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess." Cherry replied.

"Luckily your guesses are as sharp as your tongue." Atticus smirked back.

"Don't push it, Dragon Boy." Cherry smirked.

"You two act like siblings." Mo giggled.

"We get that a lot." Atticus smiled to her.

"So, now what do we do?" Cherry asked. "Does anybody have their geodes?"

"I wish I'd brought mine," Sunset frowned. "One touch and I'd be able to see Chestnut's memories and get to the bottom of this whole thing."

"That would be helpful." Mo said.

"Do you guys know who tried to lock you in?" Cherry asked.

"It was that cloaked girl." Atticus replied.

Cherry and Atticus's Tales from Canterlot HighWhere stories live. Discover now