Chapter Three

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Kinda Unedited.

She had two days to prove to her parents that she was serious about going through with the pregnancy.

The two of them were adamant that she was getting the abortion.

No matter what.

Mostly, it was her mother who was pressing the matter however her dad had staunchly agreed with the woman. He wasn't happy when he heard Layla's plan.

In fact, he was so angry that he had bottled up and refused to say another word to the girl.

Layla was just happy that he hadn't sent her to her bedroom like she was some sort of petulant teenager- or grounded her. Really though, she spent most of her time in her room anyway so it wouldn't have made that much of a difference.

When the tension in the house got too heavy, she sent a message to Jen, asking if the girl wanted to meet up at their regular place.

There was a little coffee shop, only a ten minute walk from both of their houses, which was not only convenient in terms of distance, but was also surprisingly cheap. It wasn't particularly appealing to look at, or even sit inside for long periods of time, but it did good coffee at a decent price so Layla didn't think she could demand anything more.

Although, she supposed she should lay off on the coffee now that she was pregnant. She didn't know if she was allowed to drink the stuff with a baby in her belly and would rather play it safe for the time being.

At least until she could go back to the hospital and have a proper check up.

Monday. She thought. I just have to get to Monday.

She hoped that by then, her parents would have calmed down enough to support her in the journey. They could make an appointment to go back to the hospital, she could get scanned and checked and figure out how she was going to make all of this work.

No more than five minutes later, her phone was buzzing with Jen's affirmative answer.

She slipped on a pair of comfortable shoes and gave a shout to her parents that she was meeting up with her friend before yanking on a jacket and leaving the house.

The air outside had a slight chill to it, yet instead of turning back around to get a thicker jacket, she pressed through the breeze and sped to the café before her back started aching again.

It felt like she was in an alternate reality as she walked into the small shop, heard the jangle of the bell and sat in her regular seat.

It felt anything but normal even though she had done the same routine hundreds of times before.

Eventually Jen arrived, smiling as she pushed through the door and made a beeline to Layla.

"Hiya." The girl said cheerily, leaning across to give Layla a quick hug. Then, she looked at the empty table in front of them and raised her eyebrows. "Were you waiting for me before you ordered?"

Layla shook her head and gave a tiny smile. "I'm not having a coffee today, Jen."

"Right..." Jen drawled, flicking her bleached platinum hair over her shoulder and sitting down slowly. "Are you feeling okay?"

Picking at the sleeve of her jacket suddenly seemed like the most exciting thing in the world. "Not really." She'd been hoping that she'd at least have thirty minutes to relax before having to drop the bombshell but her plans had been ruined. With a sharp exhale, she couldn't find a better way to break the news than to simply say, "I'm pregnant."

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