Chapter Thirteen

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Was hit with a rather large streak of inspiration. Enjoy the next three chapters. We are nearing the end of the story. (Author's notes will soon be deleted.)

Her ankles were fat.

She couldn't recall exactly when she'd picked up the excess weight or fluid, but it became apparent to her when she finally got a glimpse of her feet at six months pregnant. It wasn't like she hadn't seen them before that point, but she supposed she hadn't been paying that much attention.

There was just something about being on the edge of an orgasm that bought things into distinct clarity.

Her breasts were swollen too. She'd never had so much boob in her life. A full A-cup. 

She could hardly believe it.

Her nipples were so sensitive that it was almost unbearable. She was glad she'd not gotten them pierced with Jen on her eighteenth birthday because she didn't know if she could take much more of whatever Dale was doing with them- even if it wasn't much.

He'd accidentally brushed his thumb over one when he'd come up behind her to scent. She'd made the most obscene sound she'd ever made in her life and then he did it again. And again. And a little bit more.

"You're really sensitive," he groaned behind her, sounding utterly fascinated.

Layla needed him to stop before she either started lactating or begging him for sex. 

Both would be equally as mortifying.

She cut off her next moan with a shout of, "stop!" And Dale immediately sprung away from her, panting like he'd run a marathon.

For a split-second, she was almost mad at him for stopping when she'd been so close but quickly remembered that she'd actually asked him to.

"We need to talk." Dale looked at her with an expression etched with fear and Layla tutted at him before patting his chest. "Come on, sit with me."

He walked around the chair and sat next to her, face taut with apprehension. "Is something wrong?"

She knew that her following question could have been worded much more tactfully but the stolen orgasm hadn't particularly left her feeling very judicious. 

"Are you using me for the baby?"

Dale went blank and he blinked, "what?" 

He tilted his head to the side and Layla stopped herself from reaching out to ruffle his hair and make fun of his confusion. 

She folded her arms and sighed. "What are we?" She paused and looked at her belly as her son moved around inside. "You keep acting like we're in a real relationship but are you just doing what the doctor told you to?"

Dale sucked in a breath and she waited for the worst. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I haven't asked how you felt about all this. I just assumed."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's very obvious that you're human but sometimes I forget. You know, that you don't feel all this instinct stuff and the same drive to be sexual."

"So it's just a sexual thing then?"

He cursed. "No. Of course not. That came out wrong." He shook his head and reached out to her, surprising her by picking up her hand and holding it. His facial expression softened in a display of bashfulness. "I really like you."

Her heart started to beat faster and all she could say was, "oh." 

That was as good as a confession in her books.

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