Chapter Six

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Another, kind of, not edited chapter. Feel free to point out mistakes. & Pray for me, guys. I will finish this book lol!

Layla woke to a feeling of intense nausea and hot, scratchy bile coming up her throat.

She only just managed to launch herself from the sofa to the bathroom a few paces away, before she was gagging and retching into the toilet, sweat breaking out on her brow from the exertion.

Behind her, she could hear footsteps passing by the open door and she berated herself for not thinking to close it. She knew that with Dale and Evangeline's enhanced senses, she probably sounded like she was dying. 

No wonder they had woken up.

Taking a few deep breaths to clear the remainder of the nausea, and rinsing her mouth out with water, she pulled herself together and ventured back out of the room.

When she walked into the kitchen, Dale was already there, dressed in baggy, grey sweatpants and a loose top and looking like he could have done with a couple more hours of sleep. His hair was a scruffy bundle on the top of his head and his eyes bleary and still half-closed.

He looked up from the cupboard that he was digging through and smiled at her, "morning."

She cleared her throat, "good morning."

"Didn't sound like it to me." 

The voice behind her made her jump and she span around to see Evangeline walking past her into the kitchen, her fluffy dressing gown flowing behind.

She flushed, following the woman's example by going to sit at the kitchen island. 

She felt seriously out of place and wished that she was back in the familiarity of her own house.

"Yeah. Well, this is as good as it'll get today, I guess. Hopefully it wont last for too much longer." She said, referring to the loud vomiting.

"So, what's all this?" Evangeline said, looking at her boyfriend in amusement as he almost dropped the pack of eggs taking them out of the fridge. "Since when do you willingly make breakfast?"

Dale looked between Layla and Evangeline sheepishly and shrugged. "I hope you two like omelettes."

Evangeline rolled her eyes at his attempt to evade the question.

By the time he'd finished cooking, Layla was starving. 

The last time she'd eaten had been at lunch the previous day, so the lack of food was finally catching up to her. Not to mention the fact that she'd left the table for a few minutes to brush her teeth, so the taste of fluoride and mint in her mouth was begging to be replaced by something more palatable.

Dale served out the first plate and walked over to the island, looking slightly conflicted. 

Layla almost wanted to ask what was wrong but before she could open her mouth, Evangeline was reaching out and taking the plate from his hand.

"Eva!" He snapped.

The woman paused and looked up at him, the sharpness of his tone making her jump. Even Layla was shocked by it and froze in place.

"What?" Evangeline asked, taking a fork and stabbing a bit of omelette with it.

Dale wordlessly stared at her for a few seconds before shaking his head and sighing. "Nothing." The tension dropped out of his shoulders and he exhaled again before turning to make Layla a plate.

He watched until Layla took the first mouthful, without barfing it all up, before relaxing and getting his own food.

The rest of breakfast was uncomfortable, to say the least. 

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