Chapter Twelve

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"Gosh, I hate this part."

Dale's only response was a grunt as he adjusted himself so that Layla's head was more comfortable against his arm. 

His hand was rubbing soothing circles over her belly and he'd been making a purring sound in his chest for the last ten minutes, though it wasn't like he even acknowledged it.

Layla pretended not to acknowledge it either. The last time she had commented on the sound, Dale had started coughing and almost accidentally choked himself to death.

"Ugh, I hate that woman." She exclaimed two minutes later, placing her hand back in the popcorn bowl and scowling when she came up empty handed. 

"How many times have you watched this film again?" Dale chuckled softly and she could almost hear the sound of him rolling his eyes.

"Only twenty times," she stuck her tongue out at him when his eyebrows shot up. "And anywa- oh, you're missing the best part. Dale! Stop looking at me and- wow. Well done, you just missed it."

She started a slow clap, looking at the grinning male in front of her with a sarcastic glare.

"I could see from the corner of my eye."

"You liar." She poked him in the chest. "I know you have terrible peripheral vision."

"Damn, Layla. You must really-" All of a sudden, he was perking up. The smile dropped off his face and he jumped to his feet, standing so fast that she was almost knocked off balance. In a flash, he was over by the front door, opening it before the woman outside could let herself in. "You're back."

Layla reached over the couch to pick up the remote for the television, hastily pausing the film. She looked over at the door in shock, debating with the idea of leaving the room to avoid the altercation that was sure to happen.

"Isn't this cosy?" Evangeline drawled, catching her eye from the door and completely ignoring Dale who was hovering in front and waiting for a response.

The woman's gaze moved from her body to the pile of Dale's clothes and blankets that compiled the nest she was sat in and Layla felt her muscles lock. The hair started to stand on the back of her neck and she was suddenly seized by panic.

She rushed to lock gazes with Dale, communicating with her eyes what she couldn't with her mouth. 

Though she'd never felt this particular sensation before, she knew exactly what it meant.


Evangeline was too close to the nest. Her gaze too interested. The nest was safe and Evangeline wasn't


Dale looked just as tense as Layla and he quickly stepped to the side, partially blocking Evangeline's view. "Stop that Eva." He told her, waving his arms. "She's nesting. You know it's rude to stare."

"Yeah, I can see that." The side of Evangeline's lip quirked and although her gaze softened, she didn't look away. "I didn't know that humans could nest."

Dale didn't appear to know what to say at first and his hands fell to his sides. From Layla's view behind him, he looked tired, like he was expecting to take another damaging blow.

"You're back." He finally said, repeating his earlier exclamation in a much more restrained manner. "Do you want to talk about it yet? Where are your things?"

That questions took Layla by surprise and she looked down at Evangeline's hands, then the floor around her feet, noticing that the girl wasn't holding any bags or luggage whatsoever. The only thing on her person appeared to be the house keys that dangled over her right index finger.

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