Chapter Fifteen

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When she was fifteen, she made a pact with Jen.

It had been the coldest day of the year, the ground completely covered in inches of clean, white snow. Half of the shops in town had been closed for the day, the precursory amber alert giving them enough time to shut down and make their way home before the storm hit.

For some reason, Jen and Layla had thought it was the perfect time to sneak out of their houses and meet up in the woods behind their school. 

The little cave-like area they'd discovered the last year looked even more beautiful in the snow, the sight alone almost enough to make the impending parental scolding, that they were sure to receive, worth the hassle of trekking all the way out there.

What they hadn't accounted for was the storm to hit so heavily while they were still out and they were forced to huddle in the cave and hope they survived until it ceased.

Layla's fingers had been so cold that she cried, scared that they were going to stop working and need to be amputated.

"There's no way we'll die out here." Jen whispered, pressing her shoulder against Layla's to share body heat. "We've never even had boyfriends yet."

Layla had stopped crying and looked at her friend, taking note of the girl's chattering teeth and red tipped ears and nose. She didn't see the correlation between the two statements but she nodded anyway.

"You're right. Never even had our first kisses." 

Jen coughed in a guilty manner and she gasped. 

"Come on, Jen! You kissed someone and never told me?"

"I didn't think it counted. Caleb only kissed me for a dare."

Layla spluttered. "Caleb McArthur? You kissed Caleb Wet-Dream McA-"

"Shut up, Lay." Jen huffed, rushing in to stop Layla's flow of words. "We barely kissed for two seconds."

Layla wanted to roll her eyes but it felt like her eyelids had frozen in place. "Fine. Well, we're both virgins at least."

Jen started to wail, throwing her hands to the sky in fright. "God. Please, don't let us die before we've lost our virginity."

Layla joined in too, shouting as loud as she could against the ferocity of the storm. "Please, God." Snowflakes hit her face and blurred her vision as she screamed, "Jesus save us! We'll wait until marriage, we promise."

Jen stopped yelling and looked at her, tears immediately drying up. "Until marriage?" She sounded like she was doing a mental calculation in her head for how far in the future that would be.

"Um, yeah?" Layla could hardly see her friend's face as she nodded. "Damn it Jen, I already promised. I can't go back on it now. You in or what?"

Jen was silent for a moment before sighing. "Fine. Until marriage."

Layla had completely forgotten about that promise a month later, however it was the first thing that came to her mind when she was suddenly awoken in the night, squashed up against Dale's side.

At first, she wondered if she had been kicked awake by the pup, but there was no movement in her stomach. It seemed as though the baby was sleeping like she should have been.

Then, she took note of the odd sensation coming from down below. It was almost like her vagina was throbbing.

It was the weirdest feeling.

She looked to the side and got a glimpse of Dale's bare chest. Moonlight was filtering through the curtains and streaking across his skin. 

Her eyes trailed further down and she had to wipe at her mouth to check that she wasn't drooling. His boxers were riding low around his hips, clinging to the strong pillar of his upper thighs.

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