Chapter Ten

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"Dale." She gasped, eyes rolling to the back of her head. "Don't- ergh- don't leave a mark."

Elongated incisors worried the skin on the back of her neck as she stood, stomach flattened against the hallway wall. All she remembered was coming out of the toilet, minding her own business, when she was pressed against the wall by Dale muttering something about scenting.

"Dale." Her hips shot backwards, bottom connecting with his crotch. "Don't bruise me."

The marks from last time hadn't faded and it was becoming increasingly difficult to cover them up.  

"Shh." He reached his hand around to cover her mouth, using his leg to detach her lower half from his. "Don't talk."

She went cross eyed with desire when he used his tongue to lick a stripe up the side of her neck, unable to do anything but give a muffled moan when he starting nipping at the skin again with his teeth. 

"And stop making those noises." He growled into her ear, using his free hand to inch up her shirt and splay over her rounded belly.

"Time's up." A sing-song voice rang out from the archway. "Dale, that's enough for today."

Dale hissed, hands momentarily tightening over Layla's body before he ripped himself away and went stalking over to Evangeline with heavy footsteps.

The girl gave a surprised yelp as he grabbed her arm and pretty much threw her into their bedroom, leaving Layla standing in the hall, flushed and out of breath.

A minute later, she heard the sound of clothes falling to the floor and feminine giggling and her brain kick started, legs moving to quickly take her back into the living room. 

The emotion she was feeling was jealousy, sure and straight, and she was annoyed to admit it.

With the increase of physical affection between her and Dale, they'd also had an increased emotional connection. While he was still sleeping in his own bed during the night, sometimes he would stay up with her into the night and they'd just talk

It was at one of these times that he told her what he was really afraid of.

Stepping over a ledge that he wouldn't be able to come back from. 

Layla hadn't been brave enough to tell him that she feared it was already too late for her. She wasn't going to be the one to ruin things.

An idiot could see that Dale was really trying with his relationship. The arguments with Evangeline seemed to have calmed down, the two of them tending to talk in quiet voices when Layla was around. Evangeline had stopped watching the two of them like a hawk, having come to some sort of happy agreement with her boyfriend.

It made for a more peaceful atmosphere, that was for certain, yet Layla couldn't shake the part of her that would rather hear the raised voices and unrest than the sounds of Evangeline's frenzied moaning. 

She didn't know if she wanted to shake that part of her.

Damn it.

She was falling in love with someone that she could never have.

She consoled herself with the thought that she wasn't alone in her plight. Plenty of other girls, and even boys, fell victim to the same circumstance and all of them found a way to push past it.

Out of respect, for the both of them, she would contain her feelings.


Five months in and the baby was still in perfect health.

However, that could soon be subject to change if the mating bond had anything to say about it.

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