Chapter Seven

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Layla wanted the floor to swallow her up whole.

Or better yet, simply vanish into non-existence.

Breakfast had already been established as an arduous affair and Evangeline seemed determined to make it even more unbearable, talking about rules.

Rules, for Pete's sake.

"Obviously, I know about the mate thing." The girl said, tapping her acrylics against the side of the counter island, "and I understand." Layla didn't think that Evangeline looked like she understood very much but kept her mouth closed. The girl looked at Layla very pointedly. "For the sake of the pup, we should lay down some rules."

Layla nodded stiffly. "For the baby."

She wanted to say pup too but it felt too alien, like the syllable wouldn't fit around her tongue.

Evangeline huffed, "You're not a shifter so you don't fully understand how Dale feels. Or anything about pregnancy instincts."

Layla looked at Dale, who was shoving food in his mouth and keeping his eyes firmly glued on his girlfriend. She wondered why he couldn't tell her this himself.

"Well, tell me then." She tried to say it as nicely as possible, but her words still had a little biting edge to them.

She felt like she was being patronised and didn't like it.

Evangeline looked at her like she was just getting to that point, "Dale wants to provide for you. Swaddle you in bubble wrap so that you and the baby are safe. Stuff like that." Another huff and she addressed the male. "Listen, Dale. We've already spoken about this and I know you're not an idiot. You'd never cheat on me and I trust you. But I'd also feel more comfortable if we set some boundaries."

So it wasn't all about the baby then.

"Have at it." Dale mumbled, pushing his plate away.

Evangline smiled and rattled off the rules like she was an army general.

Limited Scenting. Limited touching during scenting. Sometimes wearing his clothes instead of scenting.

She seemed to have some type of worry concerning this scenting business.


Dale nodded. "Yeah, agreed."

Layla nodded too. "Okay." She didn't even know what scenting entailed but she knew she didn't have a choice either way.

Dale was still staring at Evangeline, eyebrows raised like he was waiting for something.

The girl snorted and stood to take clear the plates from in front of her. "Oh. Don't mind me, baby."

He gave a small smile to her and sighed before turning to Layla. "I'll need to scent you before we leave." He told her. "I should have done it yesterday but I didn't want to overwhelm you."

Layla nodded again, not trusting her voice.

She blinked and he was in front of her.

"Sorry." He said when she jumped, actually looking apologetic. "I forgot you're not used to that. I won't move so fast next time."

She nodded again for the third time, feeling more and more like one of those bobble-head dolls that people put on the dashboards of cars to take up space.

He paused. "Are you okay with this?"

She wanted to nod again but stopped herself.

Instead she spoke up, "what actually is scenting?"

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