Prologue: Dope Boy Ambitions 3

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The light beamed down on my face causing me to squint my eyes that were shut. I counted each beep that played through my ears. I laid still not being able to feel my body.

"Miracle.." I tried to say but heard no words coming out. "Miracle." I spoke again but I was death to the words. "Miracle!" I said louder hoping that would work but my lips remained pursed together.

The beeps became more frequent One...two...three...four...five...six


"Doctor! She's awake!"

The feeling came back into my body and my eyes popped open. I shot up seeing I was in a hospital room. Heart monitors were attacked to my chest. Restraints were also holding me down.

"Mrs. Henderson. Please remain calm. Your heart rate is increasing." A nurse said pointing to the heart monitor.


A Doctor came in with a needle. "Mrs Henderson if you don't stay calm I'm going to sedate you again."

"What the hell is going on!" I tried to pry my arms free.

The Doctor shook his head and started to bring the needle closer to my arm. The nurse stopped him and pulled him to the side. I sat watching as they whispered to each other. After a few minutes he left and she returned to me.

"Sorry about that. I'm nurse Kristina-"

"I don't care who you are! Let me go! Where is my daughter-"

She sighed and brought a cup of water over to me. "Drink." She commanded.

I looked at her hesitantly and took a couple sips feeling it slither down inside me.

She sat touching my forehead and began to take my blood pressure. "Do you know why you're here?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Do you remember anything?"

"No! No! No! Where is my child!" I screamed getting frustrated again.

Sighing, the nurse picked up the hospital phone. She dialed a number and waited a few seconds before saying, "Send in the girl."

Minutes later Miracle walked inside. "Mama!" She ran over to me hugging me tightly. I wanted to hug back but I was still strapped down.

"I'm so glad you're up. Hopefully daddy wakes up soon too."

I looked at her. "Miracle baby." I paused not knowing what to say. "King died. Remember we had his funeral."

Miracle scrunched up her eyebrows looking at the nurse.

"Miracle sweetheart. How about you go grab yourself some cookies and milk while I talk to your mom?" Nurse Kristina patted Miracle on the back leading her to the door.

"What did you do her!" I shouted.

"Mrs Henderson two days ago your house was bombed. After the bombing you went into shock. You had a high fever. And with a high fever like yours you began to hallucinate." She informed.

"No." I shook my head.

"Yes. Anything that you thought happened after the bombing never happened. No one died yet."

I felt cot tears running down my hot face. "I don't believe you."

She removed the heart monitors and unstrapped me. She helped me out of the bed and held my arm. I walked slowly as she led me out the room.

We walked down the hospital hallway passing rooms filled with patients. In one of the rooms I saw Rosetta. I stopped in my tracks looking at her. Her head was strapped up in bandages and her skin was pale.

"Let's keep moving." The nurse pulled me along.

We passed another room and there laid Queen. The nurse tried to pull me but my feet remained glued to the ground.

The nurse shut her door. "Come on."

We passed multiple rooms until we finally came to a room that had the door shut. She opened it and I didn't believe my eyes.

"No." I said in disbelief staring at King. I shut the door and opened it again. He was still there.

"You can go in if you want." She let my arm go and I took slow steps towards him.

My hand reached out slowly touching him to see if this was real. I covered my mouth feeling his skin that wasn't so smooth anymore.

"King." I said lowly touching his face hoping he would open an eye.

"He's in a coma. He has head trauma, third degree burns, and he might need therapy to walk again." The nurse explained from the doorway.

"King baby." I touched him once more barely listening to the nurse. My eyes were still focused on King.

"Let's go Mrs. Henderson."

Walking away I let his hand go still not letting reality hit me.

The funeral? Packing up and moving? Never happened? Wow.

Queen and Rosetta still alive? Damn.

Laying back in my hospital bed I looked up at the ceiling trying to make sense of this. Lord knows I'm happy as hell I didn't lose King, but seeing him like that makes me worry.

The door opened and Miracle came in with a bag of Doritos and a water.

"I brought you something mama."

"Thanks baby girl." I sat it down.

"How you feeling?" She asked concerned.

"Mentally? Shocked, confused. Emotionally? I don't know. Physically? I'm fine."

Miracle nodded and messed with the Tv remote flipping through the channels.

"So we're still in Texas? Our house isn't packed up? We never moved? King isn't dead yet nor Rosetta and queen?" I questioned once more.

"Correct." Miracle answered.

Deeply sighing I shut my eyes and soon fell asleep thinking about everything and what's next for us.

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