Chicago, We Have A Problem

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My fingers moved up and down as I applied mascara to my long eyelashes. King was leaning against he bathroom door coaching me. In a couple of minutes I was about to be sitting with the enemy and King was more worried than I was.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Just find out everything he knows, don't tell him anything you know."

"Okay King." I put the mascara down and picked up the flat iron passing it through a piece of my hair and chased it with a comb.

"If he ask you anything don't give him the exact answer."

"King! I got it okay. Im a good liar." I brushed my hair and applied eyeliner and eyeshadow to my dull eyes making them pop. Finishing my face I went into the bedroom and slipped my body into a tight jumpsuit.

"If shit gets rocky you text me."


"Can't get mad because I'm worried."

"Oh! So now you're worried?"

He smacked his lips straight faced me causing me to giggle.

I entered the walk in closet and pulled out a bad ass fur jacket that was a shade of red. I threw the jacket over me hiding the small bump that was beginning to form. Finishing off my look I slipped my feet into some black open toe heels.

"How do I look?" I flipped my hair turning slowly in a circle as King admired me.

"Good." He licked him lips. "Hell too good. Might have to keep you at home tonight." He bit his bottom lips grabbing my hand.

"Uh uh boy." I pushed him back grabbing my purse along with my keys. "Let me get out of here."

King stopped me and pulled me closer to him. "Be safe."

"I will."


"Sweet pea you don't wanna watch tv with granny?" Grandma Sheri asked tapping a spot next to her on the couch.

"No thanks granny. I have a lot of homework." I said quickly jogging up her steps. As much as I love spending time with her I absolutely hated watching soap operas.

I went inside the guest bedroom and jumped on the bed reaching for my phone. CJ's name appeared across my screen and a smile smile spread across my face.

As soon as I was about to answer his call the bedroom door opened revealing Jr.

"Can I help you?"

"Girl. You can stop with that attitude. I was letting you know dinner is almost ready." Jr said with a basketball tucked under his arm.

"Okay thank for informing me." I gave him a fake smile and he continued to stand there. "Can you leave please."

"What you up too?"

"Nothing. I just want a little privacy."

"Nah you just tryna' get on the phone with that nappy head boy."

"Shut up and get out!" I pushed him and shut the door with great force and laid back on the bed calling CJ.

"Hey babe-"

"Hey babe." Jr opened the door mocking me in a high pitched voice.


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