Bloody Knuckles

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"Monica! Monica! MONICA!" Morgan shouted into the walkie talkie pacing the room back and forth nervously.

"Aye sis when you get this call hit me back up." Nick said reaching Mo's voicemail for the sixth time.

They were all trying to reach Monica and all I could do was sit there feeling helpless. How could I be so stupid?

"Bro why the fuck you sitting there!" Nick shouted trying to call Mo again.

I couldn't think straight. Hell I could barely think at all. Miracle's gone and Mo's probably in some trouble. Some part of me was feeling guilty like it was my fault. I basically let Miracle slip outta my hands. And I was stupid for sending Mo out there alone.

"KING! DO SOMETHING!" Morgan got in my face snapping me out of my deep trance. She had become frantic and she was on the verge of crying.

"I don't know what to do." I told them being honest. What could we do?

"We gotta get down there." Nick said putting on a jacket.

"No. You need to stay here." I ordered him.

"WELL STOP SITTING AROUND AND DO SOME BRO!" Nick shouted once again.

"What the fuck we gone do huh? The streets are flooded! WE DONT HAVE A CAR OR ANY TRANSPORTATION!" I jumped up screaming at him. "What are we gonna do Nick! Swim to safety?"

"Oh my god." Morgan said crying at this point. "We can't lose her.We gotta go on foot." She said trying to hold herself together.

"We'll never make it." I shook my head.

"Wait a minute-"

"No Nick be quiet." Morgan shut him up. "We'll call an Uber or Lyft." Morgan said grabbing her phone.

"What do you not understand Morg. The roads are closed. They're not gonna make it to the house." I told her once again.

"Wait I got an idea." Nick commented.

"Shut up Nick not now." Morgan told Nickolas as she started back pacing.

"Alright how about we get the neighbors car." Morg suggested after a minute of thinking.

I sighed and ran my hand down my face not feeling like explaining again. "No."

"I have an idea!"

"SHUT UP NICK!" Morgan screamed at him.

"You shut the fuck up!" Nick yelled back at her. "For once I got a good ass idea that could potentially help us."

"What's your idea man?"

"Morgan can call Richie. You know the man with the jet. He can fly us over the city and we'll make it there bypassing all the water."

Morgan and I looked at each other.

"What? Y'all got a better idea then that?" Nick looked at the both of us. "Alright then." Nick tossed Morgan her cellphone and she instantly called up Richie.

I stood up trying to get myself together. All I could think was the worst. If I lose Mo I swear imma be catching bodies after bodies and charges after charges.

"Bro lets go what are you doing." Nick slid on a bullet proof vest under his shirt then tossed me the duffle bag full of ammunition. He put on a baseball helmet and snapped it in place.

"Nickolas." I sighed.

"What man. What are you doing get ready. This is war nigga." He tossed me the other vest.

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