Connect The Dots

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My back laid flat on the table as Dr. Jax spread the cold ultrasound gel over my stomach.

"So how's it lookin?" I asked nervously.

His face scrunched up and he didn't say anything until he finally got to a spot on my stomach and he did a sigh of relief. "Ah there it is."

I looked up at the monitor and saw a little seed like thing appear and the sound of a beating heart played through my ears.

"I got worried there for a second." Dr. Jax said chuckling a little. "One thing does concern me. It's heart is beating extremely fast for you to be in your first trimester." He wiped my stomach off and removed his gloves.

"So that's bad?" He helped me up.

"Yes indeed. Your stress levels are probably high. I want you to take a week off from work and rest." He informed me washing his hands.

I sighed rubbing the back of my neck. It's so hard to rest with so much stuff going on around you.

"You're almost two months and the way things are looking I don't know if you're gonna make it to three."

"What? What are you saying doc."

He sighed drying his hands off. "I'm saying you could miscarriage."

I dropped my head and closed my eyes. Don't get me wrong, as much as I don't want a child by Carter I didn't wanna lose my baby. For years I couldn't consume and now that I finally did I'm hearing the news that I could lose it is devastating.

"Monica you're almost forty. Women usually stop consuming at thirty. With your age and the stress it's putting a lot on the child. Not to mention your uterus is having to adjust to the changes."

"I hear ya doc."

"So take it easy will ya."

"I'll try."


Carter was heading towards our car unexpectedly. The crackhead ran away while Nick and I were sitting here not knowing what to do. Our trunk was full of weed and the back seat was packed down with guns.

"That's that nigga that was mugging us at the mall!" Nick's hand went to his waist band but I stopped him.

"Nick don't move." I said calmly. "Don't try to hide shit."

"Man! We got a backseat full of-"

"Don't move." I repeated. As Carter got closer to our car I pulled my jacket down to hide the gun that was tucked in my pants.

"Don't say shit, don't try to say shit. Don't make eye contact. Don't do nothing but breath." I informed.

Carter knocked on Nick's window and I rolled it down.

"Hi officer can I help you?"

"You're parked on the side of the street."


"That's not a parking spot therefore a ticket." He whipped out his notebook and clicked his pen.

I groaned remembering the time I got a ticket for the same shit years ago.

"Aye is that necessary? Shouldn't you let us off with a warning." Nick butted in.


Carter squinted his eyes at him then back at me. "Don't think I've seen y'all around town. Names?"

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