Dope Boy Ambition 3 Finale: Crown Me King

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"We painted your room a light blue and we got you lots of toys baby."

I laughed and smiled to myself looking at Mo in the rear view mirror as she sat in the backseat talking to Aden. They both got discharged this evening and we were on our way home finally.

"You do know he doesn't have a clue what you're saying right."

"Shut up King. Let me enjoy him." She mushed my head then put her attention back on the baby.

"You're so handsome. Yes you are." She playing with his chubby cheeks.

I shook my head and kept my eyes on the road. About ten minutes later my foot eased on the breaks as the car rolled inside the two car garage.

"Are you ready to see your house?" Mo said removing the big bulky car seat from the car. She didn't waste any time unlocking the door.

I got all the baby bag's along with her bags from the trunk and walked inside the house seeing mama and Jr sitting on the couch.

Early I sent Morgan and Nick home to make sure ma and Jr were good. Also I told them not to say a word to Mo about anything that had happened. I didn't need her worry.

"Oh my gosh. I didn't know you guys were back. How was Wakanda." Monica wrapped her arms around Sheri after handing the baby over to Morg.

"Um it was nice. I enjoyed it." Mama lied while keeping a smile on her face.

"What about you Jr. Did you have fun?" Mo asked looking at Jr.

He nodded slowly and kept his mouth shut. He knew he wasn't a good liar so he kept quiet.

The baby began to cry loudly in Morgan's arms.

"Awwwww." The two of them said at the same time.

"Women." Nick sighed shaking his head.

"He probably needs changing." Mo grabbed him and went upstairs with his baby bag on her shoulders.

When she was all the way upstairs I put my attention back on them.

"Mama you okay? Is Miracle okay?"

"Yes child. Miracle is fine. She's a little shaken up but she's okay."

"How many people working for him?" Morgan asked folding her arms.

"Hell if I know." Mama shrugged and slowly sat down on the couch. "It's more than a few."

"Where did he keep y'all?" Nick asked.

"In the basement."

"Well can't we just break in there, snatch Miracle and leave?" Morgan suggested.

"No." Jr spoke up shaking his head. "He keeps the door locked. And Miracle is in chains."

"Fuck." I sighed rubbing the top of my head.

"It's okay bro. You got the money right?" Nick said placing his hand on my back.

I looked up with him feeling the guilt tug at my heart. The thoughts of me giving him up began to swirl around in my mind. "Yea. You right." I responded then he gave me a smile.


"Does that feel better now?" I strapped the diaper in place then buckled Aden's onesie back up.

He whined a little and I scooped him up in my arms slowly rocking back and forth. He began to get louder and I picked up a brown teddy bear and waved it in front of him. His eyes followed the teddy bear and he began to get quiet.

Dope Boy Ambitions 3Where stories live. Discover now