Inside Man

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"How's it looking Doc?"

Dr. Jax removed his gloves sighing loudly. The look on his face told me things weren't good. "You haven't been resting have you?" He asked writing on my chart.

"I tried Dr. Jax but I'm a really busy women."

"Monica I'm telling you now. It's not looking pretty." He clicked his pen and placed my file folder under his arm. "I'm prescribing you new prenatal pills to see if that will help out a little."

I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair detangling the ends.

"I've told you everything you need to do. If you don't take my advice then there's nothing else I can to do help you Monica."

"I understand."

"Alright. Have a good day. Take it easy." He patted me on the back and I got up from the table pulling my shirt down and grabbing my purse.

"Thanks Dr. Jax. See you next month." I exited his office and made a left turn down the hallway running into a familiar face. Carter. He was at the vending machine purchasing a bag of potato chips.

I cleared my throat and stood behind him watching as he removed the bag as it fell to the bottom. He turned around shocked as hell.

"Mo! What you doing here?" He asked pulling me into a hug.

"I should be asking you the same thing. Shouldn't you be working?"

"Im on the job actually. I come here every now and then just to patrol."

"Is that right?"

"Yup." He scratched the back of his head.

"I had an appointment this morning if you must know."

"And you didn't bother telling me?"

"No. I figured you would be busy with the case and everything that's going on."

"Mm. You're right. I do kind of got my hands tied up, but I would've made room in my schedule for you."

The Joseline girl that I met earlier came limping out of her hospital room holding her back heading towards us.

When he noticed he quickly tried to send me on my way as if he didn't want us crossing paths.

"Mo how about we head down to the cafeteria to see what they have on the menu today. I heard this hospital has the best food."

"I'm not really hungry."

Joseline was still heading this way. It was clear that she knew Carter and in the back of my head I was thinking this must be the girl he's been fooling around with. If this was her I see why Carter saw other people. Don't get wrong Joseline wasn't an ugly female she just wasn't me.

"Hey there anonymous." Joseline approached us.

"Hi." I gave her a fake smile.

"You two know each other?" Carter looked at the both of us.

"We met this morning." I informed him.

"Oh so you know Carter?" Joseline asked.

"Of course I do." I gave her a smile. Not trying to stir up the pot I excused myself. "I would love to stay and chat but I gotta run. See ya Carter."

Playing things smart I disappeared out of their view but I still able to hear everything they were saying. I stayed hidden behind the corner listening closely.

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