Playing With Fire Will Get You Burned

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Joseline is Rosetta's little sister and the woman Carter has been messing with for awhile.

Monica has no clue about any of these things.


"You find anything?" I asked Nick flipping through old news papers.

"Nah not yet." Nick typed on his laptop.

We were currently at the public library downtown trying to dig up any dirt on Carter. I needed to know who I was handling before I tried to pull anything.

"Aye I think I got something." Nick turned the laptop towards me and I scanned the old news report.

"Twenty-four year old Carter Mack was sent to jail for aggravating assault and domestic violence." Nick read aloud. "It's dated back in 2006."

I smacked my lips. "It doesn't prove anything except the fact he's been beating women for years." I continued to flip through the old newspapers.

"Wait look. It says the woman he abused was Joseline Valentiná. She was hospitalized the same year with an concussion, fractured ribs, head trauma, and a sprained ankle."

"Damn. What's her name again."

"Joseline Valentiná."

Valentiná, Valentiná. That last name sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"This the chick everybody was talking about. Carter's baby mama and so called fiancé." Nick said and continued to scroll through the article trying to find out more information.

"We should go ahead and tell Mo." he pulled out his phone.

"No don't. Not yet. She's already stressed out enough and besides I don't want her to know we after this nigga." I protested.

Nick sighed and palmed his forehead. "So what now? We found his job, old mugshots, what else do we need man. What are we waiting for."

I huffed and heard the door of the library open.

"Hey Officer Mack."

"How you doing today Miss Coleman."

We turned our heads seeing Carter enter the library. He was talking to the old librarian behind the counter.

"Is this nigga following us!?" Nick questioned.

"I don't know but let's get outta here before he starts asking questions." Nick grabbed the laptop and we slipped out the door without Carter noticing.


"I'm just strolling through the block making sure everything's okay." I told the librarian lady leaning against the counter.

"I noticed some homeless men begging under the bridge on Scarlet Avenue." She informed with wide eyes.

"I'll check it out." I exited the library and saw the two men from earlier speeding off.

I narrowed my eyes watching them disappear down the road. Just as I was about to get in my car and follow them I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and I saw it was my son calling.


"Hey dad."

"Wassup CJ. You need something?"

"I need you to pick me up. Ma dropped me off with grandma and I hate it here." He explained.

I got back inside the car and furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

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