A Dangerous Game

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"King?" My horse voice called out echoing throughout the dark and cold hospital room. "Kingston?" I called out again this time opening my eyes only to see he wasn't in the room. Nor was Morgan or Nick.

I sighed and tried to sit up but my body wouldn't let me. It felt like heavy chains were wrapped tightly around my body. I guess that's how it was suppose to feel considering I just had a C-section.

I laid back down and pressed the red button for the nurse. She came within seconds.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"I'm in a lot of pain." I winced shifting in the bed. "Can I get some pain killers or something."

"Sure thing." She walked across the hallway and came back with a small cup that contained two pills. "This should help until morning." She handed me a cup of water.

"What time is it?" I asked after swallowing the pills that seemed to get stuck in my throat.

"Two in the morning." The nurse answered giving me a new warm blanket.

"Do you happen to know where my family went?"

She shook her head. "No ma'am I don't. They a couple hours ago." She changed my IV and fluffed my pillows.

"Did they say when they would be back? Or.."

"Nope. They left with some boy."

I furrowed my eyebrows looking confused.

"Oh yea. Your baby boy is downstairs in the NICU. His surgery was a little rocky but he pulled through. You'll be able to see him in the morning." She informed with a smile.

I nodded. "Okay thank you." I said as she left the room closing the door softly leaving me in the dark.

I reached for my phone and dialed King's number to make sure he was okay and safe.

He finally answered on the fourth ring. "What you doin' up." He said as soon as the call connected.

"Oh I'm okay. The baby's fine. How are you?" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes like he could see me.

She slightly laughed. "My bad baby. Everything okay?"

His voice was stern and tense. I knew something was up. My wife intuitions were kicking in.

"Yea. Still in pain."

"And the baby?"

"He in the NICU. Are you okay? Where are you?" I cut straight to it.

"I'm handling stuff alright? Don't worry about me. I'll be there when you wake up."

"Handling what?"

I heard him sigh heavily on the other end of the phone. He hated when I would get into his business, but he knew I wouldn't let it go until I got an answer.

"Im trying to get Miracle back."

"Kingston. You need to be careful and think things through. Carter can be very dangerous and-"

"This is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you. Imma man. I don't need you telling me how to do things. I know how to handle shit."

I sighed. He was so stubborn and hardheaded. His head was a brick. You couldn't get shit through him.

"Be careful okay? I love you." I played with my fingers nervously.

"I love you more beautiful." He hung up in an instant.

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