Wild Goose Chase

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"So let me get this shit straight." King paced the floor in front of me. "You let her go to a damn party with teens and shit."


"And it's damn near one and she sill ain't home!?"

"Yes King! Yes! For the third time yes!" I yelled getting mad at him for repeating the same thing.

"What kind of parenting is that! Who lets a fifteen year old go to a fucking house party! You know nothing good ever happens at those types of parties!" King yelled.

"Well maybe if you would've answered your phone when she called this could have been prevented." Nick said smacking on a pickle.

"Thank you Nick!" I said then rolled my eyes at King.

"I was busy! That's why we have text!" Just as King finished his sentence the door swung open and Jr walked inside with Miracle hiding behind him.

"Go upstairs Jr." Nick ordered. Jr went upstairs and Miracle tried to follow.

"Not so fast. Bring  yo' lil' happy ass right back down here missy!" King demanded.

When she came into view he damn hear had a heart attack. "What tha- hold on, hold on a got damn minute!" He put his hand to his forehead then dropped it looking at Miracle's outfit. "What are you wearing!" He fussed.

"Dad." Miracle sighed and moved all of her hair to one side revealing a red mark on her neck.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" King grabbed her face examining the hickey that was on the side. He removed his hands from her face and took a couple steps back. "Phone." He stuck his hand out waiting for her cellular device to be handed over.

"But dad-"

"Give him your phone Miracle." I told her and she slammed the phone in his hand. She jogged upstairs stomping with each step she took.

King turned to me and licked his his bottom lip. "So can you explain to me again why you let her walk out the house in a damn swim suit."

"Oh please! You're over exaggerating! It was just a dress."

"Over exaggerating!? Monica she's fifteen! Dressing like she's damn near twenty-five! You know there are men in this world that kidnap girls dressed like that."

I leaned over and put my elbows on my legs running my hands through my hair.

"I was just trying to let her have fun." I mumbled a little.

"HAVE FUN? It won't be fun when she comes home pregnant! You don't know how to be a damn parent!" King kicked a chair getting frustrated.

I jumped up to my feet feeling offended by his word choice. Without even realizing the back of my hand went across his face followed with a loud pop.

"Damn. Now why couldn't you slap Carter like that." Nick butted in.

"Nick go." I pointed to the stairs not wanting to deal with his stupidity. Now was not the time for his jokes.

I focused my attention back on King who was holding his face looking confused. "How dare you say I don't know how to be a parent when I been raising not one but TWO of your children most of their lives. While your ass was rotting in a jail cell."


"No you listen King! You have no room to talk about someone being a bad parent. I admit I should've made her change but my fault for not being so strict. She'll learn from her mistakes and this is was one of her mistakes."

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