Chapter 28

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I feel like the Grinch when I say this but...I hate feelings.

I growled as I ran downstairs and grabbed my jacket that I threw on the couch and put it on as I ran out of Al Capone's house and down the hill towards humanity to find Ella and assure myself she is safe. sure she just left like, thirty minutes ago but still.

Deep down I feel my gut drop as the thought of Richards men getting to her. I want to think she passed them and is safe and sound in that one church but knowing his trained men, she couldn't have made it that far.

I ran past the trees, not noticing the rain that is beginning to fall, creating a thick paste as it mixes with the dirt that I was kicking up as I sprint. 

I don't even know if she went this direction, how am I suppose to find her? 

It must have been at least an hour until I decided to stop running, catch my breath for a minute, and try something new. 

I took a deep breath and looked up to the sky, flinching as a rain drop fell into my eye. "Alright..." I shut my eyes and began to speak out loud. "Dear God Almighty! uh..." I remember somewhere in my past hearing a structure of a prayer, to begin with thanks and end with needs. "Thank you for keeping me alive! For protecting me from Richards men as I escaped from the massacre, thank you for the house that still stands behind me to shelter Ella and I from the cold, and the tunnels to provide safety." I yell out, not knowing how loud I need to speak in order for him to hear me. "I need your help, I need you to help me find Ella! I need to protect her, I dragged her out here so it is up to me to bring her to what she considers is her safety. Please God! I beg for your help; lead my way to her. In the name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, Amen." I finish in a way I think I saw in a movie. 

I scrunched my eyebrows and peaked through one of my eyes to see something. I don't know what I am waiting for, was it some fairy looking angel or a glowing brick yellow road? I opened my eyes fully and sighed. 


I waited a few more minutes, what happened to God always being there? I guess I am too bad of a person to be helped. 

a pulse of anger rushed through me and I picked up a nearby rock and threw it as far as I can into the woods while letting out a roar of rage an animal yelped as it hit them. Worthless... my fathers favorite saying to me replayed in my head.

I breathed heavily and leaned against a tree shutting my eyes. I opened them as a distinct sound was heard. A growl. I opened my eyes and saw a coyote running towards me. My eyes widened and I began running for my life "Oh crap!" I cried out as I tried outrunning the animal. 

It's barks chased me and sure enough after what seemed like a marathon it distanced itself and disappeared but  I continued running to stay on the safe side. Never thought I would be thankful of being trained by Richard to run distances and learn to out chase cars, so a coyote wasn't too bad.

I finally stopped to catch my breath, looking around in hopes of a nearby stream to get some water. Sure enough there was a puddle of rainwater that looked fairly clean. I bent down and used my hands to cup some water and take a drink. As soon as I did, I nearly fell.

In front of me, in the distance, stood a warehouse, and entering it looked like a group of men who belonged to Richard; my best guess is that Ella is in there. My prayers came true. 

Thank you God. 


I let out a shaky breath as I ran into the warehouse. I quickly examined the place before hiding in the fortress of boxes. God please send help, I prayed. 

I continued crawling around quietly, I don't know if it's a good or bad thing that there is only one entrance.

"Come out come out wherever you are girly, lets have some fun." Some guy with a raspy voice laughed as he entered the echoing warehouse. I felt bile rise in my throat but continued crawling. I kept my hands on the floor, trying to sense the footsteps and how close or far they are away from me, a trick the Haddix Force taught me, but I yet need to perfect because I can feel it shake but can't tell the distance. 

I heard the men's low voices, directing each other. You have no chance they are surrounding you.  I flinched as my palm contacted with a piece of broken glass that was on the floor, cutting my hand. the slither of the sound was caught by one of the men. "Over here!" I knew crawling won't get me anywhere so I stood up and tried to get lost in the maze, hoping to lose them. 

I screamed as I bumped into someone, their large hands gripped onto me. "Gotcha!" He growled. "There may be one entrance to the warehouse but there are about ten different entrances to the maze kid." he laughed.

I tried kicking him, since he held onto my arms to hard, they were useless. I stepped onto his stomach and kicked his face, in return he threw me a good few meters into a pile of boxes, the corners stinging as they cut into my skin. Good to know the boxes aren't empty.  

He pulled out a gun and began shooting around me, as if teasing me. I scrambled to my feet to run away from him but after taking a single step  he shot me in the leg. I let out a scream and began crawling away, dragging my shot let behind me, I tried avoiding the fact I was leaving a trail of blood and I need to stop it, but the fact that ten or more men are chasing and shooting after me had me wait on that. The boxes above my head were shot at, allowing light to shine through the holes showing me I am near the entrance. 

But my luck turned downhill as a man tackled the boxes above me, having them collapse onto me. many tools like wrenches and hammers, saws and nails, that were stored in those boxes fell on me; cuts formed everywhere possible on me. 

It seemed like a miracle as I watched from a crack between boxes as Ashton ran to my rescue and attacked the men, fighting them off. I tried thinking about the fact that he ran after me instead of thinking of how outnumbered he is. 

My heart tears in two pieces as I hear him scream in pain. I can't see what happened but I'm sure someone probably broke one of his bones from the sound of it. "God please..." I cry quietly as tears stream down my cheeks as I slowly accept the fact I will die today, help me and Ash live today to see tomorrow. 

I close my eyes waiting for the inevitable to happen. But then I hear the glorious sound of... "ITS THE POLICE, GET ON THE GROUND!" and gunshots rang. Someone runs to my aid and my eyes widened at the familiar face.

"Jonah?" I ask, my voice weak. Jonah grinned. Last time I saw him I punched him in the face in Nate, Toby's son's, gym. Tears of joy came through as he helped me out of the pile of tools and boxes. thankfully the fallen tools didn't give me too much damage, nothing that needs stitches. I yelped as a saw got in contact with my bullet wound, "Oh crap." Jonah takes off his sweater to wrap it around my wound. I look around and felt like crying in joy as I see Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, Nate, Joe, Toby, and a few more Haddix members get down the last of Richards men and cuffing them. 

"Get on the ground!" I watched Mr. Carlson  yell at Ashton. His gaze met mine, as Jonah helped me to my feet. I watched Ashton get cuffed and led to a van, along with the other men by the Haddix members I didn't recognize. 

The Carlson's, Nate, Toby and Joe all ran to me, helping me walk and saying the most wonderful things they can come up with as I barely hold on to consciousness.

But as much as I loved seeing old friendly faces, my favorite part was when Joe picked me up bridal style, removing the pain of my bullet wound, and whispering sweet nothings into my ear, telling me 'its okay' and that 'we are safe, its over'.

Its over.


A/N I have to admit, I wrote this in one sitting and I am a proud momma

~yes we are coming near the end. There either will be one more chapter than the epilogue or just a big(er) epilogue.

~I began reading this book again and yeesh it needs editing.

~Sorry for the late update. I and taking full IB and IT SUCKS

~Your support and love is amazing I am so thankful!


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