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So while I put the siren on hold, I want to learn more about my darling readers! so answer the questions below. It may help me someway so yea :D ANSWER them in the comments or PM me I message ASAP when you do so yup yup! lets get started! 

P.S be truthful! I can't get better if you lie! 

1.  What is your favorite genre?

2. Who is your favorite character in The Siren?

3. from a scale of 1-10 -10 being the best- how do you like the book so far?

4. What made you read this book? 

5. Do you feel like the book can add more details? if so, where?

6. If you can change one thing about the book so far, what would it be and why?

7. What do you like about the book?

8. What don't you like?

9. Now to just lighten up the mood, what are your predictions of the book and what will happen to ella?

Thanks y'all! comment below dem answers :P

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