Chapter 4 - Hallelujah

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Jude and I have been sitting here for a few hours, just staring at that damn letter. Go right and venture elm, what could it possibly mean? Jude is sitting on my bed, bouncing his leg up and down and furrowing his eyebrows. This is the first time I have seen him in this state. He must be thinking super hard, something he usually doesn't do. Suddenly Jude breaks the silence, expected.

'I think I know someone who could help us.'


'Glaze,' Jude smirks at me.

I burst out laughing; he's spoken to her for an overall of 5 minutes in his life. What makes him think he can ask her about this crap?

'You have talked to her once, what makes you think she is smart?'

'I talk to her over the phone, we text each other.'

I crack up again but this time I am on the floor. I am literally about to piss my pants.

'Fine, but we are never going to figure this out, she is a freakin' genius. You are not so smart. So if you can figure this out for yourself, you do that. I think the only way we can do this is by asking her,' Jude states.

I stop and think for a minute, maybe she can help, she does seem nerdy. She could be just what we needed to figure this out. Then again how do we bring this shit up with her?

'So what do we do, go up to her and shove this in her face. What if she asks? I say my parents were murdered and I am learning this important secret that may help me find the truth about why they were killed. And when I do I also might find the murderer and then I will go on a freakin' killing spree,' I say struggling for breath.

'We'll fix that up a little,' Jude laughs.

I give him a glare and he laughs again. 'So we are asking her, I guess?' He asks.

'No we can do this, just...think,' I reply.

Jude sighs and we get back to work.


'Ok, we know go means to...go.'

'And we know right means...right,' I hear Jude say in mocking tone.

'And, and means and,' I say growing tiresome.

'And is a compound word.'

'A conjunction you dumbass.'

Jude turns around to me and laughs, he then looks at his phone and says, 'Whatever, venture means to...' Jude looks at his phone a little closer and states ' a risky or daring journey or undertaking.'

'And finally elm is either many abbreviations or it is a giant tree.'

 ‘Tell me my good pal, have you recently been hanging out near elm trees that I don’t know about?’ Jude asks me with one of his eyebrows raised.

 ‘I don’t understand, what is the point of this letter? It makes absolute no sense to me, how could the villain know what he was talking about when I have no idea! Maybe we should give up Jude, we’ll go to the party.’ I huff upset and pissed. Jude and I worked so hard on this, my head is aching and my hand is hurting from writing down notes and ideas. How could nothing come out of this!

 ‘Alright, now this is just an idea but why don’t we ask Glaze about her take on this?’ Jude asks.

 ‘If I say yes will you shut up?!’


 ‘Then we’ll talk to her tomorrow at school, ok?’

 ‘Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!’

 I laugh, Jude and I end up talking and eventually we fall asleep with my room still a mess.

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