Chapter 7 - The Coordinates

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I slowly strolled into the graveyard, cautious of not disrupting the peaceful environment. I clutched the shovel tightly within my grip and the bolt cutter in the other. I sauntered up to my elm tree to discover Jude and Glaze waiting there patiently for my arrival. Jude was dressed all in black and his normally spiky hair was covered by a coal-black beanie. He smiled a big cheesy grin and had dark dye painted on his cheeks in stripes. Leave it to Jude to run a serious situation into a humorous state. Glaze is still wearing her over sized glasses and is wrapped up in many gigantic jumpers, yet she still shivered from the icy cold. Her face is rid of the minimal makeup she wears and her long hair has been tied up into a high bun. ‘Where do we start?’ Jude enquires. I flip my shovel so the tip is touching the ground. ‘We start right here.’ I burrow my shovel into the ground and start digging.


‘This is creepy as shit.’ Jude blurts out suddenly. Glaze and I stop digging and look up at Jude. Glaze shakes her head and giggles, ‘More scarier than creepy.’

‘Yep scary as shit.’ I answer.

She shakes her head. ‘No, scary as fuck.’ Jude and I unexpectedly burst into irrepressible laughter. I gaze at Glaze to see her bottom lip hooked between her teeth as she attempts to control her amusement. It is possibly the sexiest thing I have ever seen. ‘Alright, calm down keep digging you lazy sods.’ Glaze exclaims. It felt as if we’ve been here forever. My bed seemed like a distant memory. I continue excavate the deep hole when my shovel hits something firm and solid. I drop the shovel and jump into the hole and begin to dig with my hands. Jude and Glaze leap in with me and do the same. We eventually bring out an ancient wooden box with a rusty lock attached to it. We rest the box on the top of the dirt pile and stare at it. Glaze and Jude take sneaky glances at me to see if I would make any movement to open it. Finally I got my bolt cutters out and cut the lock apart. The lock fell from the box and landed on the ground with a thud. My shaky hands pried open the box to find a single key. My hands reach into the box to caress the old key. I inspect every inch of it and feel for anything that may be out of the ordinary. But it seems to be as mundane as any other key. ‘What is it? I can’t see shit!’ Jude yells in frustration. I take out my cell phone and turn the flashlight on and face it at the key. Glaze leans forward and I can feel her breath on my face. Her deep, heavy, even breaths are held as she noticed something. ‘Look there’s an impression.’ I bend closer and see that she is right. In tiny, cursive writing are two numbers ‘1324 1060 NE.’ We look between each other and sigh simultaneously. ‘What is this?’ Jude groans. Suddenly it connects, NE, North East, these are coordinates. ‘Tomorrow we meet at my place and I’ll discuss from there.’ Everyone nods and Glaze look of confusion is answered when she states, ‘I don’t have your address.’ I ask for her phone and she reluctantly hands me her aged Nokia phone. I type in my address and bid goodbye as my mind whirls of what discoveries I will unearth tomorrow.

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