Day 11: Love

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" I'm horrified of Love. It scares the living crap out of me. I don't like the idea of falling for someone. It frightens me because everything that falls gets broken. I'm already pretty damaged, but being broken isn't ok." She said and I looked at her studying her. Isis was unique that much I could say. She loved almost everything a normal girl loved but she was way different also. She had a way of thinking that magnified you.

" Why does it frighten you besides becoming broken?" Mr. James asked.

" Well it's a scary notion to be in love. There is all type of love but never the same love twice.-Scott Fitzgerald. He was spot on what happens if you wanted the love you had first but couldn't get it because you can't have the same love twice." She answered.

" I agree." Damien answered. " Love is a scary thing but it's better to be in love than not have it at all."

" Yes valid points. Kids I'm not feeling to well I'm going to let you have the rest of class to yourselves." Mr. James said getting up and going to the front of the room. Damien walked over to me and asked if we could talk outside. I followed behind him as he lead me out of the class to the hall.

" What's up with you and Isis?" He asked.

" What do you mean?" I asked leaning against the wall.

" I mean she call you an idiot so their must be something going on." He replied.

"I'm not following." I said confused.

" She doesn't say I love you like a regular person. Instead, she laughs, shakes her head, gives you a little smile, and say " You're an idiot." If she calls you an idiot you are one lucky man." He said.

" I didn't know that." I smiled.

" I guess you really like her?" He asked.

" No, I think I'm in love with her and I want to say it but I keep it to goodnight because love will mean some falling and it looks like she's terrified of heights." I said and walked back into the classroom.

After class Isis and I decided to have lunch together. When we arrived at the cafeteria all eyes drew to us but I didn't care. To me it's like where the sun and the moon. I think their lovers who rarely meet, always chases one another, and almost always missing one another . But once in a while, they do catch each other, and they kiss, and the whole world stares in awe at their eclipse.We sat down together and talked. That's all I wanted to do. We laughed, we smiled and we got high off of each other it was lovely actually. It reminded me of something I read.

Even from far away,

You could see it they were drunk.

But not from any type of beverage.

They were drunk off of each other.

The way the sound echoed across the room,

When they laughed.

The way they kept sneaking glances,

Even though both knew that one was looking too.

The way they curled into each other,

With an aura of nervousness,

hidden behind their excitement.

You would be blind not to see it,

Cause even from far away you could see they found each other utterly intoxicating.

" Don't you agree?" Isis asked.

" I'm sorry what?" I asked.

" I said in real life boys don't come running back to you in the middle of the night sneaking into your window. They say goodnight and vanish until the next day." She answered.

" It depends on the guy." I smiled. We got into a deeper conversation about it and I had fun.

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