Day 17: Hunter

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“ Good morning Hunter!” I heard Damien’s happy voice on the other side of the line.

“ Morning.” I replied not able to take the smile off my face. He’s so happy and lively. I’m truly and deeply in love with him. Just like the first time I saw him. it was last year. Isis and I where walking down the hallway and we saw a kid being hit over and over again by Tom and Brad the school bullies.

“ That is it. I am sick and tired of them.” Isis said and marched over to them. She slapped Tom in the face. He looked at her like she was crazy.

“ Are you insane?!?!” Tom screamed at her and Brad stopped to look at them. Brad went to his friends side to scream at Isis. I ran over to the kid and he was bleeding. I helped him up and got him out of the school while Isis distracted Tom and Brad. After she released we got out ok she came out and found us. My older brother Luke stood by his car waiting for us. It was the end of the day after all.

“ Get into the car.” He said taking one look at the kid. Isis hopped into the front and I helped the kid into the car.

“ Go to my house.” Isis said to Luke who just nodded in response. When we got to her house she opened the door and instructed us to take him onto the couch. She ran and got a first aid kit.

“ What’s you’re name?” She asked while cleaning up the blood with alcohol pads. he winced as the alcohol touched one of his cuts. “ Sorry.”

“ It’s ok. I’m Damien. Thanks again.” He said wincing again.

“ Look we should call your parents so they know you’re okay.” Luke said and Damian's face paled.

“ No no no. I mean it’s ok. I was suppose to be at my friends house anyway and  my dad will be fine.” He rambled.

“ Hey. Hey calm down. No one is going to call your parents. Right Luke?” Isis said with a kind smile.

“ Right.” He said sitting down next to Damien with his hand over his shoulder.

“ You know our Dad scares the crap out of us. He beats us too. I saw the long sleeves and the bruises. Trust me we're not going to tell anyone.” Luke said.

“ I’m going to tell you what I told them. you need a place to sleep. My place is always open. Don’t worry about my parents they don’t stay long enough to know if their kids are alive.” She says putting a bandaid over the cut on his cheek. “ There.” After that Damien, Isis and I have been inseparable. Damien asked me out actually. Isis and Damien were the first to know that I was gay. They day after I said that Damien asked me out and I gladly said yes. Since I’d had a crush on him for the longest time that only Isis knew about.

“ Hunter? You okay?” Damien asked.

“ Yeah. I just love you.” I said and I could hear the smile on his face.

“ I love you too.” He replied.

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