Or So She Thought

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i forgot about this oops. nobodys POV again. we are getting to the end of the book my friends.

Mike gripped El's hand, awaiting the terrible thing that was about to escape the nurses lips. To his and El's confusion, a smile was plastered on her lips, as if someone had told her a joke. The two looked at her with confusion and a little bit of disgust at how insensitive she was being.

"Why didn't you say anything about her being so premature? She's being treated right now and is quite the fighter for being so early!" the nurse said, handing the two of them a clipboard containing all the statistics regarding their daughter, from eye color to blood pressure. El fely her jaw drop as she looked up at Mike, to find him holding an identical expression on his face.

Her mouth twisted into a relieved smile, before taking Mike's hand and squeezing it with relief. He took the clipboard out of the nurses hands and began to read through everything that had been listed about their new daughter.

Given Name: Joy
Surname: Wheeler
DOB: Feb 12,1996

Mike stopped reading and dropped the clipboard which bouned off the bed and clattered to the ground. His eyes softened as they landed on El before he instinctively pulled her into another embrace. She exhaled loudly, gripping onto the back of his sweater in relief.

Everybody in the room except Max was looking at the couple with confused expressions, but soon enough they caught on to what happened. They thought their baby died.

Everybody huddled around the two and engulfed them in a big group hug, happy that all the hard times were behind them, or so they thought.

Everyone pulled out of the hug and smiled at El, who looked back at all her family with a light smile. Her smile faded as she felt a sudden wave of chill course through her body, the familiar feeling making her heart drop into her stomach.

Her smiled faded, everybody looking at her nervously to see what could possibly be wrong, but all quickly getting their answers when she physically shook for a second from the chill running down her back. Mike, panicking, put a hand on each of her shoulders, hovering over her with a glint of horror in his eyes. She returned the fearful look, gulping as she felt tears begin to surface.

"I don't understand-" she began, but Mike quickly cut her off.

"Could it be a good vision?" He practically whispered, getting a shake of her head in reply. He felt his heart race, panic surging through him. The attention was quickly taken off of El and moved to Will, as he also began to visibly shiver, even more so than El.

Nobody spoke, everybody looking to Mike for some sort of order. He looked down at his hands, a shaky breath escaping his lips as he tried to think of some solution. He sighed, looking down and not actually making eye contact with anyone.

"We just have to keep our guard up. Nobody leave El alone, even if that means we all stay here until the coast is clear." He said, looking up at El after finishing. She nodded at him and looked around at the others, the rest of them nodding as well.

Suddenly, there was a light knock on the door, causing them all to jerk their heads backwards in panic. Thankfully it was only the nurse, who gave them all a nervous smile at their obvious panic.

"Just coming back for the clipboard." She said, referring to the clipboard that held all the information about their daughter on it.

She's alive.

She's breathing.

Mike put up a hand, signaling the nurse to wait before leaving the room.

"When can we see her?" He asked tentatively, which got a gentle smile from the nurse. He felt El's hand grab his own, however not squeezing, since there was still a gaping hole going through the center of it.

"Her?" Dustin said, eyebrows raising along with everybody elses in the room, except Max of course.

El laughed lightly to herself silently, looking down her her hand gently wrapped around Mike's.

"You can visit her anytime before 8pm." The nurse said gingerly before stepping out of the room with a small wave towards the bed. El waved back even though the door had already closed. Suddenly she had forgotten about the overbearing cold that was sweeping over her. Her heart felt so warm in this moment that she couldn't even remember why she was cold.

The only thing keeping the coldness in the back of her mind was the 4 holes puncturing through her hands and feet. Thankfully, those people couldn't ever hurt her or her friends ever again.


so she thought.

why is this taking me so long to finish.

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