The Water Is Always Bluer--3

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Chapter Three

            “Sophie! Sophie!”

            Sophie paused in the middle of her backstrokes and looked up at Freddy and Sid who were running towards her. They had excited looks on their faces. Risking getting yelled at by her dad, Sophie hopped out of the pool and grabbed towel as she met up with them.

            “What are you two so excited about?” she teased as she wringed out her hair.

            “We found out who your mystery man is!” Freddy exclaimed.

            “Weren’t you the ones telling me it’d never work out?” Sophie raised an eyebrow.

            “Yes, but we know how enthralled you were by him so we did some research and figured out who he was!” Sid explained the excitement in his voice bubbling over.

            Sophie smiled at their childlike enthusiasm. “Well do tell,”

            “His name is Brett Jacobs and his father owns the Castle hotel,” Sid stated.

            “And! They just so happen to be looking for a lifeguard at the hotel!” Freddy added.

            “Well… I wasn’t gonna mention that part…” Sid muttered.

            “Why not?” Sophie wondered.

            “Cause your dad wouldn’t let you get that job,” Sid shrugged.

            “So? I defied my dad for the first time last night and I met this guy. Who’s to say that I can’t do it again to be with this guy?” Sophie wondered.

            “You’re really caught up on this guy aren’t you?” Freddy wondered.

            “I felt something Freddy. Something I’ve never felt before and I want to find out more about this feeling. I will do whatever it takes. This guy, I need to know him,” Sophie got a dreamy look in her face. “I just know it!”

            “One problem,” Sid said.

            “Yes, I know. My dad,” Sophie rolled her eyes.

            “Well, yes that, but also you need a lifeguard certificate to be a lifeguard,” Sid pointed out.

            “So? I’m the state champion swimmer. It shouldn’t be too hard to get one,” Sophie shrugged before taking a big drink of water.

            “Yes, but! They take weeks to get and Darla is the only one with enough accreditation who gives them out here,” Sid reminded her.

            “You’re right…” Sophie sighed running her fingers through her stringy hair.

            “Oh c’mon Soph! Don’t give up yet. I know you and you don’t let anything get in the way of what you want!” Freddy exclaimed.

            “You’re right!” Sophie nodded determined. “C’mon boys! We have some place to be!”

            “That-a-girl!” Freddy patted her on the back.

            “I don’t like the sound of this,” Sid sighed.


            Twenty-minutes later they were in the middle of town at Darla’s lifeguard certification business. They were sitting in her office while she stared at them, an evil smile on her face. She had predicted right. The silly little girl had come crawling to her begging for a lifeguard certification right away. Darla crossed her arms across her chest and leaned back in her seat. It squeaked as in sank down under her weight.

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