The Water Is Always Bluer--5

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Chapter Five

            That night, Sophie was examining herself in the reflection as she waited for Brett to get her. She wore a spaghetti strap pink sundress and white sandals. She had straightened her hair and pinned her bangs out of her face. She wore very little make-up, preferring her natural look better. She checked the time. It was eight o’ clock. She started to panic. What if it was some kind of joke? What if he didn’t show up? What if he realized the truth about her and thought that she was the reason he had almost drowned? Or what if he decided that he didn’t want to date someone who had to work for money? Or what if his friend made a bet with him? Or what if…

            Her “what ifs” were cut off by a knock on the door. It was time. It was him. Now was her chance to win him over. To experience the sensation of falling in love. She was going on her first date. She took a few deep breaths before grabbing her white tote bag off the table and heading over to the door. She opened with a smile. Glad to see that Brett really was standing there. Of course a little part of her thought she was hallucinating and that he was just a figment of her imagination. At least until he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room and into the hallway. She locked the door before letting him lead her down the hall to the elevator.

            “You know, you look good when you aren’t wet,” Brett commented smiling at her over his shoulder.

            “Is that supposed to be some kind of pick-up line?” Sophie arched an eyebrow.

            “Did it work?” Brett wondered.

            “No,” Sophie laughed.

            “Then no. It was a nice conversation starter,” Brett stated.

            Sophie let out another laugh, “Oh nice. Very smooth,”

            “Oh I am just warming up. Believe me,” Brett said as they entered the elevator. He pressed the button for the top floor.

            “Uhm… shouldn’t we be going down?” Sophie asked.

            “I cooked dinner for you,” Brett explained.

            “You cook?” Sophie sounded baffled.

            “What? I don’t look like a gourmet chef to you?” Brett acted mock hurt.

            “Oh no… I look at you and think Chef Boyardee,” Sophie teased.

            “Oh you’re a clever one you are,” Brett laughed.

            “Yeah, you might want to get used to my witty humor,” Sophie bit her bottom lip and looked up at Brett with big eyes.

            He shook his head and laughed pulling her out of the elevator. He lead her down the hall towards the very end. There was a metal door that said Roof (no trespassing). Brett pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He held it open for Sophie as she walked in. She walked up the small set of stairs leading up to the roof. As Brett locked the door behind them he heard Sophie gasp. He quickly went up the stairs and walked behind her. The view from the roof was gorgeous. It faced the ocean and had the perfect view of the moonlight on the beach. There was a table set for two directly across from the door. On the table were two plates with a bowl in the center of the table and two glasses of ice tea. Two candles stood on the table giving it a romantic glow. Brett lead Sophie over to the table and pulled out her seat for her. On her plate was a single red rose. Another gasp slipped from her lips.

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