The Water Is Always Bluer--Prologue

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"I always knew you were destined for great things!"

Her father told her this after she won her first swimming championship. In fact he told her this after she accomplished anything in life. Whether it was when she was five and was first able to read a picture book or when she was fifteen and won her first state swimming race. Of course when she younger she didn't know what it meant. And now, two years later, she has realized it meant hard work and no life whatsoever. Her days were spent training for swim. She would wake up at the crack of dawn to go on a morning jog for about an hour along the beach. Then she'd come home and shower just to wash the sweat off of her. She'd eat her breakfast, mainly Carbs to burn off during actual swim, and be out the door by seven heading to the local YMCA to swim laps. Her father would have her swim every style for fifty laps. They didn't leave until she was practically immobile from all the hard work. That took about a good three to four hours. Then it was off to the weight room and the treadmill for two more hours. Finally she got to go home to her tutor where she did her summer school work for three hours. She had a few hours at night to do her own thing but she had to be home by ten in order to get a good night's sleep for the next day's workout. And that was only on the summer. During school it was early morning runs, school, and then swim practice afterwards.

Having a schedule that busy didn't allow her any spare time to do things a normal teenage girl would do. She had never known what love felt like, she had never been to a high school party or dance, and she had never eaten anything unhealthy before in her life. She had one best friend and that was a fellow swimmer who joined her on occasional workouts. He was the best male swimmer and she was only a second or two behind him. They trained off the each other and their friendship had a competitive edge to it.

With her life being so centered on being the best at swimming and only focusing on swimming she had never thought that one person could come in and change everything. She had no idea that one simple decision would change her perspective on life and how she lived it. She had lied and deceived for this one person. She had gone behind her father's back, the one man she had trusted her whole life, just to be with this person. She had risked everything that was important in her life for this one person. And she had made a deal that could be the end of her life as she knows it. Now, there was a chance she might lose this person.

Standing on the beach, watching the sun set, she realized she wasn't ready to lose him. She had already risked everything for this guy. Why give up now? Her life would never be the same if she just stayed put and didn't go and try to find him. They had fallen in love. Something she had never experienced before. And definitely something she didn't want to lose. They were meant to be. She just knew it. She could feel it in her gut every time she was near him. She had to get him back. There was no way she was going to let a sneaky little brat steal him from her.

As this all flooded to her mind, Sophie Rodgers made her decision. Kicking off the sandals on her feet she took off through the soft Hawaiian sand. She felt as if she was running for her life. In a way she was. She knew she couldn't live without him. It had been a short time, but it was one of those times where you know there will be more. But only if you give it a chance. She reached the road and picked up speed glad to have the weight of the sand gone. There were no taxis that far into nowhere land that she lived on. She had about a mile to go before she could catch a cab. But distance didn't matter to her. All that mattered was that she got there. So she could tell him the truth. Hopefully she wasn't too late.

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