The Water Is Always Bluer--7

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Chapter Seven

            That night Sophie was sitting on her balcony reading when she felt something tap her leg. She looked down at saw Brett standing by the pool with a bouquet of flowers. Sophie held up a hand and ran inside. She threw her bathing suit on under a pink shirt and jean skirt. She pulled her hair into a ponytail as she ran down the hall. Instead of waiting for the elevator she took the stairs down as quickly as she could. When she got outside she saw Brett waiting right where she had seen him.

            “I missed you too much to wait for tomorrow to come,” he smiled holding out the flowers.

            “If my boss catches me out here this late I’m gonna get in trouble,” Sophie said burying her face in the flowers.

            “I think I can keep that from happening,” Brett laughed.

            “Hm it’s good having connections at work,” Sophie smiled. “So where we going?”

            “To the beach?” Brett suggested.

            “Race ya there,” Sophie challenged.

            “You’re on!” Brett narrowed his eyes.

            “Last one there is a rotten egg!” Sophie shouted taking off down the pathway to the beach.

            She took off her shirt and skirt as she ran and bee lined for the water. She peeked behind her and saw Brett catching up, taking off his shirt as he did. She was momentarily distracted by his shirtlessness. She shook her head and picked speed. Just as she reached the water’s edge Brett came up from behind her and tackled her down into the water. They went down with a loud splash and water. When they surfaced Sophie shoved him.

            “Why is it that whenever I am with you I always go unwillingly into the water?” she wondered.

            “Maybe you’re just drawn to the water when I’m around you,” Brett shrugged.

            Sophie remained quiet thinking back to how they had first met. She had saved his life. Then he had pushed her into the water. Then they tipped over in the boat. Then she was tackled into the ocean. The boy had a point. Maybe that was a sign. Maybe she was going to be able to balance swimming and love. Brett stared at Sophie and she realized that she had taken a while to answer.

            “Or maybe you just enjoy watching me splash into water?” Sophie suggested.

            Brett smiled, “That could be it too!”

            Sophie waded out of the water and sat on the shore. She was still close enough to the water that the waves would lap at her toes. Brett came and sat next to her. They sat silently staring at the starry night sky. Sophie glance at Brett out of the corner of her eye and suddenly knew in her heart that she had made the right decision. She was glad she had risked her swimming career to come find him. Even if she didn’t get a kiss in the next day. She still had forever to get that kiss. And many more following it. Brett turned and caught her staring. He was just about to lean in for a kiss when someone shouting distracted them. James was running towards the two.

            “Dude! Do you not know how to answer your phone?” James shouted when he got closer to them.

            “I didn’t bring it with me. I was busy,” Brett said gesturing towards Sophie.

            “Oh… oh!!! Sorry dude…” James said awkwardly. “Uhm your grandma was looking for you…”

            Brett nodded. “Right… well I better go Sophie. See ya tomorrow…” He stood up and dusted off the sand.

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