Chapter Two

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Blonde curls bounced as the girl jogged down the stairs of her new home. Her bare feet made almost no noise as she slipped into the kitchen and made for the fridge. She wanted to get out of here before she ran into Helen, her step-mom.

The girl grabbed a glass of apple juice and a banana muffin then jogged back up the stairs. She slipped into her room as the door to her parents' room opened. She smiled to herself over that, Helen couldn't dump all of the duties of getting the twins ready if she couldn't talk to Annabeth.

Annabeth bit into her muffin as she set down her glass on her desk. Her next bite, she was looking through her clothes. Nothing in her closet was overly flashy or revealing, unless you were Helen-in that case everything Annabeth own was whorish. Then again Annabeth has seen what Helen wears, she had no room to talk about shorts that only reached mid-thigh.

The new school Annabeth was going to didn't have a strict dress code, she guessed that was one improvement from her last school. Her last school was all the way back in California, now she was in New York. Annabeth had always lived in Cali, now she had to live two years in New York to finish up highschool.

Annabeth finished the muffin and chugged the apple juice before setting out an outfit of jean shorts and a flowy grey top. Then she jumped in the shower. After that she brushed her teeth and took care of her hair, not doing much but drying it.

She walked into her bedroom in only a towel, she had a bathroom attached to her room. She got dressed and slipped on grey Converse before grabbing her bag and glass and heading down stairs.

Annabeth put her cup in the sink then walked into the living room.

"Annabeth, be a dear and help me get the boys around." Helen, a darker haired, short lady, said from the couch. Helen was carrying bowls of cereal to the two twin boys that sat on the couch.

"Sorry Helen I can't, I'm getting to school early so that I can grab my stuff." A total lie, but Annabeth was sick of being these kids' mother when their mother was just going to sit down and watch TV. She blew kisses to Bobby and Matthew before leaving.

The blonde walked to school with a little help from her phone's map. She knew the way, but she was just making sure. On her phone she also pulled up her schedule and other information.

She had her head buried in her phone when she walked into school. Annabeth had perfected the head down walking, thanks to countless passing-periods spent with her nose in a book. A technique she learned through trial and error.

Several bruises and bumped noses later, she glided through busy halls like they were open fields.

Annabeth turned her head from side to side, scouting room numbers. Because her first period, Honors Math, was around here somewhere.

She finally found it and walked in. It was only a month into the school year so just long enough for everyone to be familiar with the others in their class, and not expect any new kids. Thanks so much Dad! For this wonderful opportunity of humiliation and ridicule!

Annabeth made her way to the teacher and waited by his desk. The teacher was a slightly pudgy man with thinning grey hair and a sweater vest. Typical math teacher look, to be honest.

"Oh hello there!" The teacher chimed. "You must be Annabeth, so nice to meet you!" He got up from his swivel chair and shook Annabeth's hand excitedly. Seemed friendly enough. "I'm Mr. Dole, you can sit right here." He pointed at the desk in the far left corner, the desk closest to him.

"Thank you, Sir." Annabeth smiled and Mr. Dole smiled back. Annabeth sat her things down then slid into the chair. One introduction down, a million to go. This was going to be a long day.

Annabeth rubbed at her temples as she leaned against the wall. A pocket of non-motion in the teen infested halls. Three honor classes down, one to go then lunch. English, then she could hide in the library.

Annabeth sighed then made to walk down the hall. One second she's standing then she's flat on her butt. The blonde glared up at whoever had just ran into her, but blinked.

A boy with a grimace on his face peered down at her. His green eyes held apologies and his black hair moved as he ran a hand through it. He offered his hands, Annabeth took them and let him pull her up.

"Thank you, and sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." Annabeth fought the pink raising to her cheeks as she dusted herself off. The boy gave a lopsided grin before shrugging. "What's your name?" Annabeth decided why not be friendly to the cute boy she had ran into?

The boy pulled out a blue notepad from his hoodie's pocket. He wrote something before showing it to Annabeth. "Percy" was written in medium sized, scratchy handwriting.

Not questioning the note pad Annabeth smiled. She had a friend back home that was deft, though this boy seemed to be able to hear her. Annabeth signed 'I'm Annabeth, I'm new here.'

Percy lit up with a grin. He signed back. 'You can sign?' He seemed happy that someone knew how to.

'I have a deft friend. She thought me.' Annabeth signed, not noticing the looks the two were getting. She was too entranced by the smile that lit up Percy's green eyes. 'Do you know where room 302 is?'

'Oh yeah. This way.' Percy led her up a staircase and down two halls. Finally they were there. 'Bye Annabeth, sit with me at lunch?'

'Sure!' Annabeth waved then headed into her class. This year might not be so bad after all.

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