Chapter Four

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Percy was pleasantly surprised when he walked into art class and found Annabeth standing by the teacher's desk. He couldn't believe his luck of finding a friend in school, his last friend had to move away about two years ago. Since then he had just been on his own. 

He didn't mind . . . In the sense that he wasn't angry because of it. 

Percy knew he was just-different from the other kids and that made them weary or in some cases, even afraid of him. It was human nature to take things you don't know about and try and make them less scary. All these kids knew about Percy were rumors that had followed him his whole life. 

It did hurt to see the looks and whispers he got, but he didn't really hold it against them. 

Anyways, when he walked into art, Annabeth was talking with their teacher-Mrs. Jacobs. Mrs. Jacobs was this laid back brunet with a Scottish accent. Her brown eyes were warm and she always had a smile on her face. Annabeth and her shook hands then Mrs. Jacobs pointed a manicured finger at the seat next to Percy. 

The desks in this class fit two people to a table, and this being one of the busiest classes, the only free spot was next to Percy. He had no complaints about the blonde sitting next to him. 

'So we meet again.' He signed with a smirk on his face. Annabeth chuckled while getting her stuff out. 'Are you any good at art?' The blonde rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

'I can draw buildings, because I practice so much, but that's all.' She signed before flipping open her note book to show some sketches to Percy.

'Much better than anything I can do.' Percy assured her. 'You know you can talk, I'm the only one who needs to sign.' He let out a silent laugh through his nose, giving her a lopsided smile. 

"I know but . . . I don't know." Annabeth laughed and smiled. "Fine I'll speak then." Percy grinned at her then turned his attention to the teacher when the bell rang. 

The class passed, Annabeth and Percy joking around when the teacher turned them loose to sketch out anything they wanted. Neither of them knew what they should draw so they took turns pointing things out then laughing when they tried and utterly failed. Finally Annabeth suggested drawing each other, and Percy found this idea fantastic

At the end of class both had rough drafts of drawings. Percy refused to show Annabeth his, and she did the same. The bell rang, dismissing them to go home. 

"So Percy, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" Annabeth asked as they packed up their things and made for the door. 

'Just hanging out with the little kids at home.' Percy rolled his eyes in fake annoyance. 'Apparently I have toes to paint.' That earned him a laugh from Annabeth, making it completely worth it. 

"You paint toes? A tough guy like you?" Annabeth teased as she nocked her shoulder into his. Percy gave a silent laugh again before nodding. "As it so happens, I am amazing at painting nails. So how about you introduce me to your clients." Percy grinned before signing that he would. "Amazing! Let's go!" Annabeth was dying to meet the famous Maddie. 

'Actually before we head over to Jill's, I have to pick up Maddie.' Percy explained that Maddie, being the youngest, was the only one to go to preschool, while the other were in elementary already. So she was picked up from a different building. Usually he wouldn't be doing this but Maddie wanted him to pick her up today. 'I can't resist her puppy dog eyes. It just doesn't work.' He complained with a fake frown on his face. 

"I can't wait to meet her." Annabeth grinned before walking out of the school with Percy and heading down the street. They talked and walked all the way to the preschool, a short building with art in the windows and colorful letters at the entrance. 

Percy walked in and made his way to the classroom he knew was Maddie's, he had done enough drop-offs to know which one it was. When he walked into the room he was immediately tackled by a brown haired little girl. "Percy! Percy!" The girl shouted as she clung to him, while he was trying to sit up at least. 

"Maddie darling!" The teacher scolded, making to grab her off of Percy. But Percy held out a hand and managed to stand up and keep a hold of Maddie. The little girl buried her face in his neck and clung to him like he was a life raft in the ocean. "You must be the Percy we hear so much about." The teacher, a young guy with stubble and green eyes sighed. 

Percy nodded. Maddie pulled back just enough to smile at him then went right back to his neck. Percy cupped the back of her head and bounced her in his arms. 

"It's nice to meet you, and it's nice to know there is someone that she'll listen too." The teacher joked. "How rude of me, I'm Mister Kel, but just call me John." Percy shook the man's hand. "Nice meeting you, again, see you two around." He waved then went back to the rest of the kids getting picked up. 

Annabeth chuckled from behind Percy, making him go completely red as he turned to her. 

"So this is the Maddie I've heard about." Annabeth smiled and waved at the little girl. 

Maddie narrowed her eyes, looking from between Percy and Annabeth. "My Percy." She said softly before clutching at his t-shirt. 

Annabeth laughed before raising her hands up. "Never said he wasn't." 

Percy rolled his eyes at Maddie before tickling her side then walking out. They made their way home with Maddie asking minimal questions, which was an achievement. 

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