Chapter Six

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Percy set his bag on his desk chair, throwing a glance around the room to make sure nothing was messy.

Apparently Zach had not seen fit to make his bed that morning. Percy sighed and made a note to scold the ten year old later.

Other than the desk, covered in papers and notebooks that Percy had piled up over the years, a dresser, four drawers-two fo him and two for Zach, and the two beds, one pressed to the left wall and one pressed to the right, the room was a little empty. Percy didn't spend money on things for his room, preferring to save up and dote on the kids every once in awhile.

"Who do you share the room with?" Annabeth asked as she sat down on Percy's bed. The dark haired teen had taken up a spot perched on his own desk.

'Zach, he's ten and gets night terrors. He shares the room with me so I can help him when it happens.' Percy signed before running a hand through his hair and smiling with his eyes closed.

"They are so lucky to have someone like you." Annabeth smiles, this makes Percy blush and dip his head so his hair falls over his forehead to block his eyes. "I'm not kidding, those kids love you."

'I just try to be a good big brother.'

"Well, I think you do that and then some." She teased as she pull her books out. "So what do you want to go over?"

'Can you help me with Math? Mrs. Dobbs is a bitch.' He grinned when that got a chuckle from Annabeth. She nodded so he grabbed his things and made to sit by her on the bed.

Things went smoothly, they studied and swapped stories. At one point Maddie ran in and demanded to be in Percy's lap. He complied, the little girl snuggled into his chest and he moved his arms around her so he could keep writing. Annabeth simply muttered "whipped" before chuckling. Percy had scowled, but his glare was not that affective when he had a little girl clinging to him.

Maddie had eventually left, sprinting out just as fast as she had come in.

As they finished their homework Annabeth looked around the room again. "What do you do for fun?" She let her grey eyes fall onto Percy's side profile, she took in the sharp jawline and strong nose-though his nose did end in an adorable button. Annabeth had never fooled herself, she knew Percy was handsome. However it's watching him be a goofball and caring to the children down stairs that made sure he had already gained a place in her heart.

'Swim mostly. If I have the time that is, I have a part time job at the surf-shop a few blocks away.' Percy grinned, his dimples on full display. 'What about you?'

"I read a lot." Annabeth sighed. "But I don't get to do that a lot anymore with school and the fact that my stepmom pawns her kids off on me." She ran a hand through her curls. "Don't get me wrong I love those kids, it's just that I'd love to get a job or something, volunteer maybe, but I can't. The only reason I can be here right now is they already were planning on going to a friends house."

Percy frowned. 'She sounds like a bitch.' And with that pout on his face, and that simple yet completely hilarious statement, Percy Jackson unknowingly locked his place in Annabeth's heart forever.

"She is." Annabeth flashed a grin at Percy, falling back so her head was on the bed but her feet were still on the floor. "So what do you wanna do?"

'I don't know. I don't do this-in fact I only ever had one other friend over here and he moved a few years ago.' He didn't look saddened by this, just stated it as fact. Annabeth couldn't help the pull on her heart, this wonderful human being-funny, kind, smart, and with a heart of gold-was treated like he was worthless at school just because he didn't talk.

Annabeth had seen the glares thrown his way, seen the shoulders that bumped into him just to laugh together afterward. Oh-Annabeth hated that school already, but she was glad she had met Percy.

"What do you usually do when you aren't swimming or at work?" Annabeth raised a hand before Percy could start signing. "Or taking care of the kids here."

Percy frowned. As if he actually had to think of other things he did. Annabeth smiled at the bitten lip and creased brow. She laid a hand over her stomach and one behind her head. He had turned to see her, one hand supporting his weight and resting beside Annabeth's waist.

He sat up, smiling like he just figured out a puzzle, got up and dived under the bed. Annabeth sat up, confused as Percy reached under his bed and pulled something out.

A guitar.

Of-fucking-course this guy could play guitar. 

Why the hell not?

Annabeth fought back a sigh as Percy sat back down and placed the light blue guitar on his thigh. If Percy wasn't mute he'd have that entire school wrapped around his finger. Though, Annabeth was fairly glad to have him to herself all the same.

'What should I play?' He asked her, pouting a bit again.

"What's your favorite song to play?"

He lit up like a Christmas tree before starting to strum.

Annabeth bit her lip, she knew this song. Timidly she started singing along. Someone like you by Adle. Of course Percy knew this song.

As he strummed Annabeth sung, he grinned at her-flashing his white teeth.

Annabeth felt her heart speed up, she could practically tell you the exact moment Percy had claimed her heart. It was when he started rocking back and forth as he played, grinning and eyes sparkling like the sea.

Damn that guitar.

Damn this whole thing.

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