Chapter Twelve

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The week before Winter Break brought a lot of work. 

Percy and Annabeth were in his room studying. There were finials and so many projects, it was really starting to creep into Percy's mind and have his breathing pick up as he frantically highlighted and tried to cram everything in his goddamn head.

 Annabeth looked up from her math, her book spread out over her crisscrossed legs as she sat at the foot of his bed. Percy's brow was furrowed, his teeth digging into his bottom lip as he rubbed at the back of his neck. He sat hunched over his English book, posture horrible as he scanned for more information. 

"Percy." Annabeth muttered. Green eyes flicked up to meet her grey ones for a moment before going back to the book. A silent okay to go on. "It's time for a break."

Percy threw up a roughish grin, putting his things down to sign. 'That's a first; Annabeth Chase saying she's had enough of studying.'  His shoulders shook in a silent laugh, smirk still in place as he went back to reading. 

"I'm serious Percy. It's not good for our health to keep going like this. We have all week. We need to pace ourselves or else we'll just stress ourselves out so much we forget everything." Annabeth marked her place in her book, closing it and gathering her things up to just set them on the floor by the bed. "Come on, break time." 

Percy pouted, about to protest. 

"Don't make me judo flip you." Annabeth warned, raising on finger to point at him. 

The boy just sighed, rolling his eyes affectionately as he put his stuff down too. 

Annabeth smiled at him, crawling over to curl her arms around his waist and let her head fall against his stomach. Their legs tangled together as Percy leaned back to play with Annabeth's honey-colored ringlets. 

The blonde hummed in contentedness, nuzzling her nose against his shirt before closing her eyes. Listening to Percy's breathing, she felt calm and safe.  

The room was a little chilly, at least that's the excuse she used to nab one of Percy's hoodies.

The swim team one if anyone wanted to know . . .

She was weak when it came to the man in her arms, cocooning her in his warmth. 

The amount of times she had stolen his jackets is uncountable, the only times she ever gives one back is because it stops smelling like him. Then she would just take a different one when he wasn't looking. 

It wasn't that Percy cared if she took them, he really didn't care as long as he had one he could wear, the thing that kept her from asking was the face he made when she just showed up in a different hoodie. 

It was like a little game; seeing if she could sneak a different hoodie from him than the one he knew she had. 

Annabeth: Twenty-eight.

Percy: Three. 

Yes, she kept track, sue her!

Humming, the blonde locked her legs with Percy's. This, she could be like this for the rest of her life and not regret it one bit. 

Percy let one hand drop from her hair to her cheek, thumb brushing rhythmically over the bridge of her nose, the apple of her cheek, then down her jawline. His thumb was calloused from playing the guitar, yet so warm and gentle. She melted like putty in his hands.

And there they sat, for quite some time. 

The thing that broke the silence was Maddie, the little terror, who knocked on the door and asked to come in. 

Annabeth looked up at Percy, who shrugged and grinned, then called out to the little girl. "Come on in, Sweetie." Maddie bounded in, all wild brown hair and gap-toothed smiles. 

"Hi Hi!" She chimed out as she threw herself on top of Percy's lap. Annabeth had vacated the area, moving to lean into his shoulder. "Anna-be," Maddie had taken to calling Annabeth that after meeting her and messing her name up. "what are you guys doing?" 

"Just hanging out, we finished studying a few minutes ago." Annabeth answered, running a hand over the back of the little girl's head. Maddie had buried her face in Percy's chest, short arms clinging to him as she peeked over at the other teen. "How have you been?" 

"Fine!" Maddie, smiling, felt that's all that needed to be said and closed her eyes. Percy had already wrapped one arm around the girl, but his grip tightened as he leaned back a little further. His other arm hung around Annabeth's waist, holding her to his side as she let her head rest on his shoulder. 

"She's so sweet." Annabeth murmured, still petting the little's girls crazy brown hair. 

Percy nodded, grinning down at Maddie's dozing form. 

"Hey, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth teased, looking up at him. He raised an eyebrow, smirking down at her. "Winter Break is coming up, that means your cousins are coming soon, right? Have you guys planned that out yet?"

Percy nodded, thumb moving up and down on Annabeth's hip. 

"Good! Would you be alright with it if I joined you guys at some point? I don't want to hog your cousins or anything, it's just been awhile since I've seen them. I wanted to ask because I don't want to be rude or anything-" Annabeth's voice had started rushing, stumbling over her words as she tried to make them sound right. 

Cutting her off, Percy pressed his forehead to hers, letting go of Maddie just to grab his note book and be able to write. 

"You wouldn't be hogging them, a bother, or being rude. I'd love for you to hang out with us too. The more the merrier, I was actually hoping you'd join in because I'm going to need a little help translating if nothing else." She read off the paper, turning to blink up at him. 

"Of course Percy, anything you need." She smiled sweetly, entwining her hand with the one holding her waist. "So what are you guys planning to do, anyways?" She tucked her head back into his shoulder, grey eyes peering up curiously. 

The rest of the time Annabeth was there the three on the bed talked, cuddled, and just enjoyed each other's presence.  

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