Chapter Seven

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The next day Annabeth found herself actually thinking about her outfit, which was weird for her. She tried to convince herself it wasn't because of a certain black-haired-guitar-playing boy. She failed. 

The blonde slipped the grey crop sweater on over a black tank top, and pulled on grey shorts with silver designs curling on the pockets. Her Converse were black, matching the belt she slipped around her waist. 

It was simple, but put together. 

Oh, Annabeth had it bad. The girl covered her face with both hands, the mirror she was looking in showing the hint of red between her fingers. 

She had spent last night texting her friends, that was a mistake because now they all wanted any information about Percy they could get. They wanted pictures, birthday, favorite color, search history-everything. 

Annabeth had pulled her hair up into a ponytail, but decided against it and just left the hair-tie on her wrist. 

Her mind floated to thinking about Percy with Maddie on his lap, smiling softly, sea-green eyes twinkling, and making the girl giggle as he tickled her. 

"Ugh!" Annabeth groaned as she shook her head and made for the door. She was halfway across the room before doubling back and grabbing her book-bag. 

She walked to school, trying to pay attention to anything but the memories of Percy playing guitar on repeat in her mind. When she got there she saw Percy walking up the steps and grinned. She bit her lip before running towards him. 

"Percy!" She cried out, he turned his head, confusion written on his pretty face. However that gave him no time to prepare for Annabeth leaping on his back.

His bag had been on one shoulder, but was now knocked to the ground as he tried to keep himself from joining it. 

He let out a grunt of effort before straightening up. 

Percy whipped his head back around to look at the blonde attached to his back. She wore a shit-eating grin and had her arms wrapped around his shoulders. "Hey there, Percy." 

He blinked at her, straight-faced and unimpressed. 

Annabeth's grin just grew and she winked. "What? Not happy to see me?" 

She looked at his hands as he signed. 'Wise Girl, what-the-actually-fuck?' Oh right, he had given her a nickname. That definitely didn't twist Annabeth's stomach into knots. 

"Wanted to see the face you'd make." She shrugged, still not letting go. "Give me a piggy-back ride?" Percy sighed, faking annoyance before kneeling down enough for Annabeth to hop on. The blonde giggled then wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, his hands tucked under her thighs to hold her up so she wouldn't fall.

His calloused fingers definitely didn't send shivers up her spine as they lightly scraped her skin. 

Nope. Never. 

She held his bag in her hand, her own on her back, as he carried her into the school. They got plenty of looks, but neither of them cared as they grinned. Annabeth laughed as Percy acted like he was going to drop her. 

He carried her all the way to her first class, she hopped off him outside the door and grinned as he turned to face her. "I guess you must have a lot of practice with that, considering I bet Maddie asks for them daily." Annabeth teased, pulling on the end of his hoodie string. 

Percy rolled his eyes before signing. 'You have no idea. The little gremlin never gives me a break!'

"Speaking of breaks," Annabeth smiled as she gave his hoodie string a final tug before letting it drop back to his chest. "Meet me back here after class and we can walk together?"

'Sure thing, Wise Girl.' He winked before giving her a quick hug and leaving for his own class.

Annabeth spent that class on a high that had nothing to do with answering the question the teacher asked correctly.

They walked from class to class together, teasing each other the whole time.

At lunch Annabeth split her lunch with Percy again, but this time she was prepared and had an extra sandwich.

"Hey, this sounds weird but-could we take a picture together to send to my friends back in Cali? I mentioned meeting you and now they are threatening my life if I don't get a picture."  Annabeth asked, fighting back the pink trying to claw its way onto her face. 

'Sure, Wise Girl.' He leaned in when Annabeth took her phone out. He rest his chin on her shoulder, smirking as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

Oh, shit. This was not good for Annabeth's health. But she took the picture anyways. All her golden curls were pulled to one shoulder, the opposite one from the one Percy had claimed, and she stuck her tongue out to the camera. 

With a click the picture was taken, but Percy's arms didn't leave their spot, he just leaned back and placed one leg on either side of the bench. 'Good?' He asked quickly before slipping his hands back around Annabeth. 

"Yep!" Annabeth popped the 'p' at the end as she grinned. A few movements of her thumbs and she sent the photo to Thalia, Piper, Hazel, Reyna, and Calypso. Oh, and Nico. She set her phone back down and grinned at Percy. "So what are you doing today?" She asked, resting her chin on her propped up fist. 

Percy let go of Annabeth but didn't move away any. 'I have work from five till nine. So nothing.' He blinked as if thinking. 'Tomorrow though, I have Swim Practice.' 

Annabeth tilted her head. "You're on a swim team?" 

'Yep, the school's actually. We practice during fifth period, after school on Wednesday and Friday, and a good chuck of Saturday.' Percy shrugged before leaning his head on his own fist to subtly mock Annabeth. She didn't miss that and batted at his arm, that earned her a silent chuckle from him. 

Annabeth smiled, trying to fight back the image of Percy in swim trunks. "I have to watch the boys tonight, but I could text you to keep you from dying of boredom at work." She teased, bumping her knee into Percy's. 

'Thank you!' He overdramatically fell forward, as if she had literally saved him from a death sentence, and draped himself over her. Annabeth laughed and tried to push him off. He only wrapped his arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides, and buried his face in her neck. 

"Not fair." Annabeth pouted. He just grinned up at her and winked. The blonde sighed, blowing a piece of hair out of her face. 

Oh yeah, Annabeth was in trouble with this one. 

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