chapter 1 ; the weed guy

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I sat on the side closest to the door in my windowless chemistry class. I would stare out the small window in the door (the only window available) and think about things other than class when I just couldn't focus. Which was almost all the time.

I'm disappointed that the only person on my mind was Moon Bin. I get he's kind of my only super close guy friend, but goddamn... I think about him so much it makes me feel sick. Why couldn't I like someone else? Plenty of guys like me, but when I really think about it, I guess none are as good as Bin. My hopeless love for him is just too much to handle since it'll never happen. "Best-friends-to-lovers" relationships never last, nevertheless, here I am thinking about such an absurd thing. I'm clinging to the hope that maybe— just maybe— he would suddenly sweep me into his arms, kiss me all over, and say those three words: "I lo—"

My thoughts are disrupted by a rather sharp voice that still managed to retain a small amount of gentleness. "Emily! Are you listening to me now?" Mrs. Young exhaled strongly when I managed a little nod. "Thank you... Now, could you please go to room 160 and get me the spare calculators?"

I stood immediately, not wishing to anger her further, and reply with a hushed, "Of course." I grabbed the hall pass before leaving the classroom and entering the empty hallway. Not many people had classes down this hall, so naturally, it was pretty much silent. The only sounds that there happened to be were a few teachers' loud lectures echoing in the emptiness. It was kind of eerie... I shook my head sharply and rushed down the hall and down some stairs.


When I arrived at the room, I double-checked the number plate. 160. My hand turned the doorknob and I almost closed it right after opening it. The room is almost completely abandoned, only used for extra supplies, so it's rumored that some students go there to smoke weed but oh my god. Whoever smoked last must've just left because boy does it smell rank.

My hand is waving in front of my face as I cough due to the strong smell and I walk towards the tall cabinet where the calculators are stored. Not wanting to stay longer than needed, I try to hurry and get all the calculators. Once I got them gathered, I realized I hadn't grabbed a bag to carry them in and heaved a sigh. "Seriously? Of all things to forget?" My words were muttered while I stood there, figuring out what to do.

While trying to find something to carry all these dumbass calculators, I didn't even hear a teacher walk in until they said something along the lines of, "It smells like something died in here."

My whole body turned around, my head leading it, as I made eye contact with the teacher. He probably thinks I was smoking it. Even though I know very well it wasn't me, my anxiety kicked in. Confrontation and possible suspension? Fuck me. I began to panic as I fumbled for words, but I wasn't able to get anything out before the teacher did.

"What do you think you're doing?" his expression and voice both were stern and he had crossed his arms. He had to be about 188 centimeters (6 foot 2 for you Americans.) It was intimidating.

Adrenaline just kept coursing through me in my panicked state. I shook my head wildly as I still tried to get words to form and leave my mouth.

He squinted down at me, "I don't know who you are, but I hope you know smoking weed is against school rules. And against the law." He wasn't wrong. If I get pinned for this I might not even get suspended. I'd probably get expelled and put away.

I tried to speak again, but nothing came out like last time. Then he reached out for my wrist.

I flinched away, quite terrified of the consequences for something I didn't even do and also at the fact a creepy teacher was about to drag me off. But his hand never touched my wrist.

When I looked over there was a boy in a red turtleneck, holding back the teacher's arm. He was sighing. It distinctly contrasted with the smile on his face. "I'm sorry Mr. Oh. I think a student let a skunk loose in the school. It also smells around Building C. Perhaps you could look around there for it?"

This boy looks so familiar... but his name was slipping my tongue. I feel like he's a senior. My biggest question though is why was he defending (and lying) for me? I didn't know him, nor did he know me (I think.) Yet here he was. Holding back the frightening teacher and telling a lie for me.

I watched as the teacher's expression changed into a more skeptical one and he stared him down. There was a long pause before he shoved his hand away with a scowl, "Fine. But next time I won't believe you and catch one of you two in the act." He said it with a glare, pointing to one of us at a time. Then he left.

The boy's smile quirked more into a smirk as he watched him go. I ended up focusing on him for a few heartbeats in confusion, surprise, and gratitude. I wanted to say "Thank you!" or "Why did you do that for me when you don't even know me?" but both phrases decided they didn't want to be uttered. I ended up running out of time, missing my chance to say something, because after a brief smirk and glance my way, he was out of the room.

I ended up being like him, watching him leave the abandoned room, but instead of a cocky look, I had a lost one. He didn't let me say thank you... How odd. I realized that after a few more moments. Usually someone only does something nice to get a "Thanks!" and good praise. He didn't. He did what he wanted and then left without another word. Very odd...

Remembering I still needed to bring the calculators back to Mrs. Young, I promised myself that I would tell Bin what happened and ask who that was. I left the room in a rush, while at the same time carrying all the calculators in a weird carrier thing.

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