chapter 13 ; the morning after

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When I wake up, I'm in my comfortable bed and in some comfy pajamas. I smile at the sensations but my eyes don't open. I kind of ball up the comforter and snuggle up close to it before I realize that my pillows smell different. I screw together my eyebrows as I turn my head to smell the pillow. I sit up fast and in confusion, finally managing to crack my eyes open. "Oh my god. This is Jinjin's room."

My body moves faster than my mind as I'm scrambling out of his bed and stumbling in the process, not really sure what to do besides that. I hug my body once I realize that I really am wearing pajamas and not the clothes I wore last night. Jesus... He wouldn't change my clothes for me... would he?

I move my hands from my arms and to my face as it heats up at the thought. "I need to go to the bathroom." My feet shuffle as I go to the door and crack it open, peeking my head out to look around. When I don't see him, I hurry out, leaving the door wide open. I'm shuffling my feet still, trying to stay somewhat quiet as I go in case he was still sleeping.

I shut the bathroom door behind me and let out the breath I was holding. I do what I need to do, mostly just washing my old makeup off with a washcloth. I then exit, squinting as I check around first like before.

My stomach growls at me and I slouch, mainly because I don't know what to do now. I don't just want to raid his kitchen or anything like that. But I go anyways. To get to his kitchen, I have to walk through the living room, and that's when I see him.

Jinjin's passed out on his couch and he looks gorgeous. Okay, kind of a weird thought, but the way the sunlight shines through the blinds... It's just pretty. Not many people can look good while sleeping but he manages to do just that. I can't keep myself from sneaking forward, wanting a closer look at his face.

My eyes wander to his moles right away. He has one under his lip, just under his jaw on the left side, and on the space between his neck and shoulder. Then I look at an odd kind of mark on his chest that was peeking out due to his lowcut shirt. I want to tug down his shirt just a tiny bit, just to see what it is. There's no way he'd have a tattoo. Right?

I shake my head softly and decide to admire his moles again, a gentle smile creeping up on my face. That's when he wakes up suddenly and smiles big at me. He flashes his cute uneven teeth and I feel like I might fall over. Then I realize I'm still smiling like an idiot and was just watching him sleep.

I stand up straight and hurry into the kitchen while he scrambles up. "Good morning Emily," he's humming my name with his puffy face and I can't help sighing. I give him a little playful shove and turn away, looking through his freezer for the frozen pancakes we had last time. "You aren't going to say it back?" He says it in my ear as he stands right behind me and reaches for them on the top shelf of the freezer. I can't help letting out an awkward squeal. His voice is so husky and his body is right up to mine so he could reach in the freezer.

"G-Good morning, Jinjin..." I muttered it, but I said it. He chuckles right in my ear before he moves away to start heating up the pancakes. I clear my throat and try to change the subject. "Do you have syrup now?"

He turns and glances at me, eyes still a little swollen from just waking up and he nods after processing my question. "I'll get it. Just give me a second," he mumbles but not in an unhappy way. He's beaming right now; seething with joy. Once he gets the pancakes in, he goes to get the syrup and talks some more. "You must've been really tired. You woke up just enough to walk in and change yourself, but then you passed out right away— in my bed, I might add." He smirks as he talks, voice still husky and he tries to clear it away.

I feel my face flush and I turn aside, "S-Sorry..."

"No. I'm glad you went to my bed instead of the couch. Then I wouldn't have to carry you. My body would've been too sore to do that..." he laughs in a sweet tone, my heart fluttering for the hundredth time I've been with him. It's not bothering me too much though, which makes me confused again. "I wouldn't let a lady sleep on the couch while I sleep in my comfy bed. It's rude," he hands me the syrup and I swear he makes sure our hands touch.

I let out a gasp as it almost slips from my hands and he's there to help catch it, chuckling at my butter fingers. "God... something's wrong with me this morning... You didn't drug me or anything, right?" I test out joking with him and he snorts— with laughter.

"Why would I drug you?" I see him falter in his speech and he slowly frowns. "Emily... You were crying in your sleep I think. You kept mumbling something like you didn't know what to do and you were super confused."

I freeze and stare at him. The guilt sets in as I look at his face and moles. My eyes flitter away and I shrug, "I-I don't know what you're talking about." I say that but I know exactly what he was talking about. Bin and him.

"Is it about me and Bin?"

I'm biting my lip and shutting my eyes. How did he know? Is he just that smart, or is it obvious? He comes forward and hesitantly grabs my hand to pull me into his arms.

"Have you kissed him yet?" he mutters it and I can't lie to him. I nod slowly into his shoulder. My hands wrap around his back and he feels like home... Bin just feels familiar— not home... My heart beats fast as my thoughts are invaded by what my mother said and I'm tempted to kiss Jinjin for a moment. But Bin... I can't. I don't want to kiss either of them until I'm sure.

We stand there hugging each other until the microwave beeps. Then he moves away slowly to get our pancakes. I pour syrup on my two and hold my plate with one hand, Jinjin sneaking up behind me to grab my free one. He's smiling and pulling me towards the living room.

He lets go once he gets to the couch and sits in the middle, patting the empty space right beside him. "C'mon. We can watch a drama or something if you want." I stare for a moment, maybe I blink before I sigh with a smile and sit next to him. Our thighs are flush together and I'm surprised I can focus on eating. I'm more surprised that I'm thinking about Bin less.

Maybe— just maybe— I like Jinjin more than I thought.

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