chapter 5 ; two guys

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Right as school ended Friday, Bin caught up to me and wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders, walking with me. "Em, do you want to go to the diner?" he asks it so casually and it really forces my thoughts about him to fade away for the time being.

I hesitate before I respond, but nonetheless, do respond, "I guess. You drive though..." Bin gives me a big nod and we continue walking until we're out of the building. He turns and steps in front of me.

His face is inches from mine and I panic for a moment, thinking what if he's finally going to kiss me? But he doesn't because his hands rest on my shoulders and he starts speaking to me. "You weren't attacked by Jinwoo when you went out for lunch, were you?" I'm flustered at his concern. I find myself yet again tumbling through my mind for words. His deep brown eyes are focused on mine, and I wouldn't be able to lie to him— not that I have to anyways.

"No way. I'm not easy Binnie. You know me better than anyone else, so that should be obvious to you," I chuckle awkwardly and look into his eyes, mostly to confirm to him that I'm indeed not lying. "Now c'mon, let's go to the diner."

He lets out a sigh and I lock arms with him and start dragging him to my car. I open the door for him, shove my keys in his lap, then get in the passenger's seat. "Why am I the one driving? It's as if you're trying to punish me for something I did," he's doing a fake and exaggerated pout. I simply shrug in response while he turns the car on.

I shift to pull my phone out of my bag. My vision is cut off and I suddenly can't see anything but white in front of me. A sharp breath escapes me when I realize Bin is slightly hovering over me. He's leaning over to grab something next to me I think, but I involuntarily shut my eyes. I feel something touch across my chest and then a click.

That's when I realize he was just doing the buckle for me. I end up shakily exhaling and looking out the window. Jesus Christ, he gave me a fucking heart attack... I hear his seatbelt buckle click and then I feel the car jerk a little as he begins to back out. When I glance over, he's got one hand on the wheel and the other on the gearshift. I kind of don't want to see him right now for some reason... I blink at that thought and turn away just as he looks at me with his beautiful crescent smile.


We got to the diner pretty fast and we walked inside. Bin didn't hold the door for me despite being in front of me. Maybe it's just because we're so close...

Right as Bin steps in, there's a loud yell and louder shushing from two boys sitting in a booth next to each other. Then Bin's walking towards them and of course, my face twists into one of confusion. I tug on the hem of his shirt in the back lightly, stepping very close behind him, so I can grab his attention and whisper to him. "What the hell? Are these the two guys you were talking about?" I glance at the two boys while I complain. One seems pretty young while the other looks older than the first.

Bin rolls his eyes and mutters back to me, trying to sound reassuring I think, "Yeah. The one with glasses is Yoon Sanha, and the other guy is Kim Myungjun. He likes to be called MJ though. Like a lot." I kind of glare up at Bin.

"I don't want to meet them anymore. They seem like too much. Myungjun at least..." While saying this, my eyes wander back to the one I was informed to be him. He's the loud one and he won't stop smiling and staring at me. It's kind of unnerving...

"Oh shut up. They won't bite—" I watch as Bin stops speaking to think, then continuing with, "Okay, MJ might." I can tell he means it in a non-aggressive kind of bite and I mentally gag. Not my type despite being handsome.

I sigh again and stick close to him, clinging almost. Then we get to the both and he pushes the small of my back gently to get me to sit down. I couldn't help shivering at the touch and grip the strap on my bag tight. Really? Something that small has me shaking? I'm getting real tired of this...

My gaze flits up to the two guys across from me and they're smiling. Myungjun is completely shameless while Sanha is more tentative. They look like opposites.

Bin settles beside me and Myungjun instantly launches into a conversation with me. "So... Emily, right? I heard you like someone..." It hurts how obviously desperate he is for a girlfriend. Or anything to love him probably. I can't help a blush from creeping up however as Bin's currently right next to me and this conversation's come up at the same time.

"Yeah. Something like that?" I end my sentence with a sort of questioning tone, and I'm not sure why I did so. I know I like Bin. Right? Yeah? I can see Myungjun's hopeful look and I quickly clear my throat, "But uh... He's not here." A lie.

For some reason though, that seems to catch Bin's attention in particular and he turns towards me, voice low so the others can't hear, "I really hope you aren't talking about Jinwoo, because I swear to God—" One of my hands fly up to smack the side of his head— not hard, obviously, but enough to work as a scolding.

"As if! I'm telling you Bin, I don't like him like that!"

"Like who?" Myungjun speaks up, overhearing my rather loud whispering. I shut my eyes and turn to him.

"Not you, Myungjun. Nor Sanha, sadly. Dealing with Bin all day every day really makes me want a quiet boyfriend," I say this, pointedly casting a look at Bin when I mention him. Sanha's blushing when I glance over at him. Myungjun is sitting there with a crushed expression.

I sigh with frustration at this whole situation and how I could be at home doing something else. Maybe I'm just feeling extra aggravated at Bin today. It's strange. I stand awkwardly in the booth seat and begin to push Bin some, trying to get him to move. "I'm leaving. You can walk home or have one of your new friends take you there." I'm shocked for a moment at how cold my voice is and he also seems surprised, obeying reluctantly. "I'll talk to you tomorrow Bin," I say this and then leave.

Once outside, I kick at the air, hands still gripping tight at my bag strap. I shouldn't have gotten mad at him like that for no reason. Just looking at him slowly makes me annoyed and I don't get it. Perhaps I need a break...? I sigh loud again.

"Something wrong sweetheart?"

I look up, recognizing the voice plus it being directed at me. It's Cha Eunwoo. With that dick Park Minhyuk right beside him. Eunwoo's smiling at me and it's obvious there are always ulterior motives with that smile. I warily glance between the two. I'm awkward and nervous with them, but not with Jinwoo— and it just so happens he's not with them right now. Lovely.

Minhyuk seems to be getting frustrated and he rolls his eyes, "Stop sweet-talking and just ask her the fucking question." I can't help a little glare from seeping out of me and to Minhyuk, who gladly returns it.

"Fine. Straight to the point then..." Eunwoo is smiling at Minhyuk, but this one seems to be a threatening one as he quickly looks away and fidgets some. Then Eunwoo turns back to me, smile fading to a smaller one, as he speaks, "There's this party going on tonight. We wanted to invite you to join us. So, what do you say?"

He was right in getting straight to the point. I scramble to gather some words and throw out a question, "Why me? I'm not popular and I'm not sure if I'm the party type..."

Minhyuk let's out a quiet snort, followed by a snarky comment. Not too surprising. "Well, no shit. We could've told you that." Then he's gasping as an elbow is shoved into his side thanks to Eunwoo. He's throwing him that creepy smile again, which shuts Minhyuk up right away.

He looks at me again, returning to the same expression as before. He looks determined to persuade me though... I'm not positive though. It's hard to tell what he's thinking. "Would you feel better if Bin was invited as well? I can arrange that."

He's always serious in some way despite smiling all the time, but I swear I see a faint blush rise to his face. I'm confused but I don't question it further. It's none of my business. However, I do consider his offer and end up nodding once. "Fine. But only if Bin gets to go. Seriously."

Eunwoo seems to understand and he nods, "Of course." He turns momentarily to the grouchy boy beside him and sighs. Then he looks back at me and gives a little wave, "We should get going now. See you then. Oh, and I'll come pick you guys up, so don't worry."

I wave back awkwardly but then stop when I realize what he said. I blink but he's already halfway to the corner. I decide to yell after him anyways: "How do you know where I live?!"

"Don't worry about it!" Is all he calls back, a hint of laughter in it.

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