chapter 15 ; stop talking

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I managed to get some sleep last night but I'm still exhausted. When I look over at my clock, it says 5 AM. I kind of want to skip today because I know I'll end up running into Jinjin and his new "girlfriend." I let out a frustrated groan and turn in bed, smothering my face in my pillow. Even after what happened yesterday at school and then later at Bin's, I still kept thinking about Jinjin.

It was annoying. I've always wanted Bin but he never liked me back. Then Jinjin shows up and likes me and makes me confused. At that time, Bin also starts to like me. I just started getting over Bin when he's liked me since a while ago.

I twist and turn in bed for short time, only stopping once I get a text from Jinjin. I reach for my phone to see what he wants. He's just asking if he can pick me up because he doesn't want to be alone with Mira. Well, I don't even want to be in the same area as her, so...

I sigh with a shake of my head. "I shouldn't let my bitter feelings keep him from having even a little bit better of a day," I murmur before texting him back okay. I end up texting Bin too, letting him know something came up and someone else is taking me to school.

Then I'm grumbling to myself as I get up and get ready, yawning with a stretch here and there.


I bite my tongue as I climb into the back seat of Jinjin's car, Mira sitting up front. She's seriously trying too hard. I feel physical pain seeing her do anything.

Jinjin puts up a strained smile as he looks back at me. I feel my heart race and I stare for a second before looking away. Mira's glare is burning into me, fading only when Jinjin gives her a stern look.

It's silent half the way to school, only breaking when Mira decides to speak. "Has Jinjin told you about Taejin?" I gasp in surprise as I feel the car jerk to the side. "Geez... Can't you drive smoother Jinjin?"

I grow bitter when she calls him Jinjin but I suck it up and answer her, "No, he hasn't. I don't mind though. He just isn't ready." There's no hint of lying in my voice, though I do feel like I am just a little. I'm dying of curiosity but I'm not pushing it.

"Really? You'd think he'd be bursting to tell everyone!" She shrieks with laughter. She sounds like a literal witch. Kind of looks like one too. Mira snickers as she looks in the rearview mirror at me, then to the side at Jinjin, "I could always tell her if—"

"No. Stop talking," Jinjin's voice sounds terrifying as he screeches to a halt at a stop sign, turning fast to glare at her. I blink as I almost launch forward, holding onto the seats. She looks fearless though and I can't help thinking she's dumb. He looks ready to kill her every time she mentions this Taejin person. "You won't tell her about Taejin, or I swear—"

I scoot forward in my seat, seeing him like this sending panic coursing through me, "Jinjin, stop..." His nickname seems to catch Mira's attention and she whips around to face me.

"What did you just call him? Hah. Since when did you stoop down to these types of girls?"

Then Jinjin's getting out of the car, making the few people that went by have to go around us. He's fuming and his face is actually red he's so angry. I push myself out of the car and step in front of Mira's door. I may not like her, but I don't want Jinjin to hurt her. "Calm down, please. I know you're angry for a reason I don't know, but you can't hurt her." I say this semi-confident but I'm actually shaking from fear. Confrontation... Confrontation... It repeats in my head, making my anxiety go up.

I see his expression soften and he sighs. "I wouldn't hurt her, no matter how mad I get at her. I was just getting her out," he looks upset as he mumbles. I let out a breath of relief though. I move aside and watch as he grabs her arm and pulls her out of the car.

"Ow! What are you doing?!" she's yelling as if she's getting kidnapped but it's much the opposite. Jinjin sighs again with annoyance and lets her go once she's out. I hurry and climb into her seat while Jinjin shuts the door. He gets in the drivers' seat as Mira starts freaking out, realizing we're actually going to leave her there. The school isn't too far; she has two legs so she can walk.

Jinjin starts driving and I can't help a glance at him. He reaches over and grabs my hand, holding it tight as he lets out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I scared you so bad. You were shaking... I'm sorry," he repeats it over and over and I chuckle softly.

"You better be sorry. I was scared to death... I hate confrontation yet I tried to stop you," I smile to myself and look at our hands. "I was more scared of you doing something than that though." He lets out a soft breath and squeezes my hand.

"I think I'm going to tell you. About why I had to switch schools. About... Taejin," he says it slowly and cautiously, pausing before he says Taejin's name as if it physically hurt him. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze back, just like before he confessed his feelings to me. My heart soars as I remember that. His voice brings me back, "I'll tell you tonight though. Right after school, okay?" He gives me a glance real quick and I nod.

"I'll be ready. You can tell me everything you want."


I barely managed to avoid Bin all day, focusing on Jinjin because of what was going to happen soon. When the final bell rings, I get up and speedwalk out of the classroom before Bin can speak to me— or I hoped to. He grabs my wrist and stops me, going ahead of me to pull me to the side.

He turns to face me and instead of letting go of my wrist, he locks hands with me. "Do you want to come over? We can 'work on homework' again," he laughs sheepishly, referring to our other shenanigans the other night. I bite my lip, not because I can't decide, but because I'm worried Jinjin is waiting for me.

"I-I can't," I stutter, cursing myself mentally.

"Why not?" he blinks, trying to look at my face as I look down.

I feel flustered and I let go of his hands, "I have to be somewhere..."

"You're going somewhere with Jinjin, aren't you?" Jesus, how do these two always know about each other? It's stressful.

"No, I just have to be somewhere," I speak a little too quickly. I'm cursing at myself again inside.

Bin looks like isn't feeling anything but I know he's upset. I feel bad but I can't help it that I want to be with Jinjin for today. I watch him turn and run a hand through his hair before he looks at me with narrowed eyes, "Why are you going after him? Didn't he say he has a girlfriend?"

"They aren't together!" I snap by accident, feeling aggravated. He just makes it worse by talking more.

"Oh really? We saw them smacking lips, didn't we? He didn't push her away when he could've." He's not wrong, but Jinjin also said he'd never hurt her and the only way he could've gotten rid of her was to shove her— hard.

"He didn't want to—"

"Why are you still defending him?!" Bin's voice raises and I bite my lip hard, shoving him as I feel my eyes sting. He stumbles back and he looks shocked that I actually pushed him.

"Stop it..." I hear my voice crack and I watch as Bin frowns, realizing he let his emotions get the better of himself again. He always let it happen. "Stop acting as if you have the right to me... I loved you for a long time but you didn't do anything about it. Now it's too late, Binnie." I barely manage to get all my words out through my sniffles. I'm crying again... I wish I would stop doing this.

Suddenly my hand is being grabbed but it's not Bin. When I turn to look, it's Jinjin. He's not even saying anything about what he probably saw, just pulling me away. I feel like he's angry again but I don't say anything. I can't stop crying either after spilling part of my feelings to Bin. I just let Jinjin lead me out of the building and to his car.

He stops before we get next to his car, looking at my face. He reaches for my face and rubs my tears away, "Stop crying... It hurts my heart to hear you crying."

Then we get in his car and have a silent car ride to the clearing we went to before.

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