three: two am.

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It had been four days.

Diana knew there was an spoken rule to calling people after you got there numbers or even texting them, but shit, she didn't realize it was that long. Diana had never really been asked for her number so the entire process was foreign to her. Sure, she had plenty of friends, but they usually began texting each other immediately and again, they were friends.

For the first two days she had jumped at her phone, every beep and ding possibly being the raven haired womanizer she desperately awaited contact from. Elizabeth had surprisingly not brought up the situation, so Diana figured she either hadn't seen or didn't think to make a big deal of it. Inevitably Diana kept the information to herself, sure Calum most likely wouldn't want it to get out.

Diana recognized how crazy his fandom was because she was apart of it. 

Today, on the fourth day, she sat on her couch, home from all of her classes. They conveniently were all in the morning and while Diana was not a morning person, her class schedule forced her to be. She was always home by two, four at the latest. She awaited for Elizabeth to come home from her classes as well, the two renting out an apartment together to escape the burden of on-campus dormitories. She clicked through Netflix lazily, looking for a movie to occupy her time with. She sighed in slight frustration as nothing captured her attention, getting up and making her way to her kitchen where she swung the door open and grabbed a can of soda, cracking it open. 

She pulled her phone out of her pocket, typing out a quick text to Elizabeth, asking if she wanted to anything that night. She was entirely too bored and needed something to do for that evening. Walking into her room, she quickly looked in the mirror examining her get up, a red primitive Huy Fong hoodie, mom jeans, white converse, and a bare face. She brushed through her hair before picking up her keys, twirling them around her finger as she shoved her wallet into her pocket. She walked out of her apartment, locking the door behind her. She figured a drive didn't sound that bad. 

She entered her car and turned it on, pairing her phone and putting on one of her favorite bands, Bad Suns. She hummed along as their ballad, "Heart Breaker", came over the speakers, backing out and beginning to drive. Her phone began to ring over the speakers, her car alerting her of a call. Her heart picked up its pace, hoping it was a handsome bassist occupying her line. As she pressed the answer button, subconsciously holding her breath as she waited for the caller to speak.

"Hey Di," A male voice said over the speaker. Diana sighed, it was her friend Robby. 

"Robby," She said with simple acknowledgement.

"What are you doing like, right now?" he asked curiously, shuffling heard from the other end of the line.

"Uh, driving around for no reason, because I'm bored out of my mind," she replied plainly as she turned, her fingers lightly drumming against her steering wheel. Robby seemed to mumble a curse under his breath as even more shuffling sounded across her speakers. She rolled her eyes, not surprised if he'd broken or dropped something. Diana had met Robby in her Biology class, when he had spilled rubbing alcohol all over her from a lab experiment gone wrong. He had apologized to her every single class following, the situation eventually turning into an inside joke. After two year, Robby had turned into Diana's best friend seconding to Elizabeth. 

"Wanna go see Get Out?" he questioned, drawing Diana's attention. She could practically see his smirk over the line, since she had been speaking of the movie ever since she had seen the video, bitching as well about not having seen it.

"Fuck yes," she answered eagerly a smile spreading across her lips. "When and where?"


Diana walked with Robby, as he guided her shamelessly making her carry all of the expensive snacks they had bought. She clutched the large popcorn in her hand, a large drink in her other, a box of cookie dough bites underneath her chin, and a box of sour patch kids tucked between her arm and stomach. 

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