seven: you're different.

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The car ride home was relatively silent. Diana sat with Calum's phone in hand, again being allowed song privileges. The Vampire Weekend's Oxford Comma quietly filled the quiet atmosphere. 

She figured Calum thought she hadn't noticed. Ever since his little angry outburst, he'd been off. He would smile at her, the skin by his eyes crinkling, she'd half ass a humorous statement and he'd laugh, he'd look at her with his complete attention, but it wasn't the same. He was stiff, on edge, almost seemed as if he was forcing himself to be there with her. Diana hated it. Hated that his behavior was coming off in that way, like he was pitying her.

She was so unnerved by the sudden change that she hadn't even protested when he pulled out his wallet to pay for their meals, hadn't even noticed when he took his hand in hers loosely to lead her to the car, and didn't even utter a word once they got in. 

The tension was thick, but Diana could tell Calum thought she was still unaware. From the way he cautiously glanced at her from the corner of his eye every few minutes to his fingers anxiously drumming against the steering wheel, she recognized it all. Calum had merely given her a nod of approval when she'd turned on the song, as he too also seemed at a loss of words. 

It went on like that, with Diana putting on songs and Calum giving a small hum or nod of approval, but neither uttered a word. It was grueling, truly, riding in such tension. Diana never thought she'd be ready for a date with Calum Hood to end, but she was. She couldn't wait to get home, almost sighing in relief as her apartment came into view. 

She watched as Calum got out of the car after parking and walked around opening the door for her. She mumbled a small 'thank you', before stepping out, grabbing her bag. She walked up the stairs to her apartment door, Calum trailing behind, but his head hung low. She got to the door and turned around to face the perplexing boy. He looked at her and smiled, that damn forced smile. She didn't return it, how could she? 

Diana shook her head looking away from Calum, as his expression fell, eyebrows furrowing and lips forming a confused frown. "Hey what's wrong?" he asked gently, reaching out to her but she backed away, her expression hard to read. 

"Don't..," She whispered, which only made his frown grow.


"I don't know why you asked for my number," she spoke through gritted teeth looking at Calum who only stared at her, taken aback . "I-I don't... I don't know if this is some PR thing, random hook up with a fan, or whatever, but I've experienced it enough to know when someone is forcing themselves to spend time with me." 

Calum's expression softened, but if he had anything to say he chose not to say it. "I can see it in your face, your eyes. You were actually enjoying yourself earlier, at least I thought you were. I don't know what changed, or why you felt the need to start forcing yourself to act happy around me..I don't know," she sighed, again Calum only stared. "This was a nice evening, thanks for taking me out and paying and everything, but I don't think I'll be doing this again." She shook her head as she began taking out her keys to unlock the door, Calum beginning to process what she had just said.

"Wait, Diana-" He began causing her to stop in the middle of opening the door and entering. Diana looked at him, begging him to say something that actually held an ounce of substance. Something that wasn't clearly fake or forced flirting, but Calum just looked at her at a loss for words. He wanted to say something, he wanted to explain himself, Diana could see that much, but he stayed silent, looking at her remorsefully. 

She shook her head once more before she leaned over, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight Calum," she whispered before entering her apartment with a shaky breath, closing the door behind her and turning the lock as she blinked away tears.

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