Songs and Elks

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Elron carried the newborn woman out of Mt.doom and through the carnage of the battlefield. He received many strange looks as he trekked through the wasteland and to the  the makeshift elven camp. He entered his private tent and laid her down onto his cot. Elrond knew he had to consult Galadriel and Celeborn about this, perhaps even Thranduil of the woodland realm. Elrond shook his head at the foolish idea, Thranduil was young and ignorant of the world, he would not react well to Elrond's idea.

"E-e-elllrrrr," she was trying to say his name.

"I am here young one," he said, kneeling beside her. She looked so scared, her ruby eyes darting around the room.

"K-k-k-illl m-m-m?" she choked out. Elrond was shocked at how fast she was learning.

"No, I will not kill you. You have done nothing to warrant such a cruel end. I will raise you in my home with my children and I will teach you to be good."

She gave the elven lord a weak smile.



Naur did not dine with Thranduil that night, nor did she take breakfast with him the next morning. The two did not see each other for three days. Each day Thranduil would go to the garden to eat, but she would not be there. Although he was disappointed he refused to send her an invitation to dine with him. He was the king! King's should not concern themselves with strange vagabonds.

As he made his way to the garden for breakfast on the fourth day, he was contemplating why he had even allowed her to stay in his palace. He had just made up his mind to send her out of his realm, when he heard someone singing softly to themself.

Thranduil slowed his brisk pace and listened, entranced completely.

"Crashing waves, starry sky

and the seagull followed free

we were the first to ever dive into that shining sea."

This voice, so silvery, like wine being poured into a goblet or a stream flowing peacefully. It was so calming, entrancing in every way. Thranduil was stunned. He wanted to run around the bend and see who it was, but he couldn't move. He was helpless to do anything but listen.

"Seasons pass and I wonder

If he still loves me

If he did why does he not come back? Over that sea."

He had never heard this song before, so Thranduil figured it could not be one of his own bards.

"As the years pass I wonder

If he still thinks of me

That is why I dread the sight of that silvery sea."

There was only one person that voice could belong to.

"As I lay here with my dying breath

I wonder if he ever loved me

For if he did why did he leave me for that silent sea."

As soon as the last note faded, Thranduil rushed around the bend. There she was, sitting on an ivy shaped stone bench, petting the head of an enormous silver elk. Her garnet hair was done in an elven fashion, two braids on the side of her head pulled back and pinned with a white flower. She was clad in a simple pale red dress with flowing sleeves. The pastel of the dress contrasted beautifully with her dark skin.

Naur turned her head and her red eyes met Thranduil's blues. She smiled warmly at him.

"Good morning your grace," she said.

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